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Erich Wanek
local time: 2024-12-03 17:21 (+01:00 )
Erich Wanek (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Prism Experiments with Laser Beams 2009 ? 2010 Shift of the Light-Point on Certain Days Report and Proposal for Further Experiments (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Erich Wanek   read the paper:

    Smoot and COBE have established anisotropy in the CMB microwave background. The solar system was found to move through CMB at a speed of 370 km/sec towards coordinates L 264, B 48 (galactic) = L 172, B -11 (ecliptic) near Tau Leonis. Earth travels within the solar system at 30 km/sec on its orbit around sun. The laser beam experiment should explain whether, and if so, to what extent, this motion affects direction and speed of a laser light beam.

    For a few days around both 4th of February and 20th of April (exactly 5 weeks before and after the opposition's constellation of Tau Leonis) a laser beam directed through a prism has shown slight shifts detected at a distance of 7.5m. The shifts during these days need to be confirmed by a professional laboratory.

  • A New Train Paradox: Can Clock Time Depend on the Direction of Motion? (2010) [Updated 8 years ago]
    by Erich Wanek   read the paper:

    Velocity is defined as distance traveled per time, hence c = x/t. The dilation of time in special relativity is given by the factor: t' = t / (1 - v? / c?)1/2. Moreover, due to the Lorentz-contraction x' = x / (1 - v? / c?)1/2 as well. Calculating space and time for c' = x'/t', either stretching factor in the numerator and the denominator cancel out. This leads to a paradox: If the velocity of light is constant in any system, i.e. if c = c', clocks will have to alter their pace depending on the direction of motion.

  • Laser Experiment with Prisms (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Erich Wanek   read the paper:

    Smoot and the COBE have an anisotropy in the CMB - found microwavebackground radiation. This one has a motion of the solar system with 370 km /s calculated at coordinates near Tau Leonis in the constellation Leo. On its orbit around the Sun, the Earth moves at about 30 km / s.

    A laser beam is perpendicular to the other towards the lion or the direction of Earth's orbit moving wall is directed, despite many attempts nodelay of the laser light spot is observed, because either the carried light fromthe motion of the solar system or the lag due to the change in direction by the moving Mirror compensated.
    Despite this, four times a year, u.zw. a few days in early February, late April,late July and early November, a slight shift depending on the time of theobserved through a prism redirected laser beam at a greater distance.
    Now, on Mar 13, Tau Leonis in opposition to the sun, so sun-earth-lion on aline, so that pushes the sun on this day the Earth in the direction of Leohimself. The observed shifts in early February and late April were just 5 1 / 2 weeks before and after the opposition point, that in late July and early November just 7 1 / 2 weeks before and after the conjunction of Tau Leonis on14.Sept.
    This suggests that the movement of the solar system towards lion in the cosmic background radiation is a disturbance in the manner of a "bow wave"caused. The Earth crosses on its orbit around the Sun four times a year thisfault zone. (Fig. 1) The laser beam could it short of that failure may be slowedin a medium, so that the light spot falls depending on the movement of the wall, an effect not from the velocity of wall motion results, but only because of theslowdown in Laser beam.

  • The "Mass" of a Photon only an Expression of its Helical Configuration? (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Erich Wanek   read the paper:

    The Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA) sponsors regular international conferences for presenting high-quality papers discussing aspects of philosophy in the sciences. Many papers offer challenges to accepted orthodoxy in the sciences, especially in physics. Everything from the micro-physics of quantum mechanics to the macro-physics of cosmology is entertained.

    Though the main interest of the NPA is in challenging orthodoxy in the sciences, it will also feature papers defending such orthodoxy. Our ultimate purpose is to enable participants to articulate their own understanding of the truth. All papers are reviewed by society officers, and sometimes by other members, before presentation in conferences, and they are edited, sometimes very significantly, prior to publication in the Proceedings of the NPA.

    NPA is, in turn, the only component of the non-profit corporation: The Natural Philosophy Foundation, Inc., (NPF). The NPF was incorporated in the State of Maryland on July 17, 1995 with the intent to become a long-term science fostering charity organization

  • The Particlewave: A New Model for Light and the Matter Waves (2008) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Since both photons and elementary particles exhibit masslike as well as wavelike properties, it is reasonable to ascribe the motion of those particles to an array of subparticles, which oscillate in the plane perpendicular to their motion. If this oscillation is circularly polarized the path of motion is a helix. This particle wave well describes the dualism of a wave and a corpuscle. If two subparticles take part in the motion the shape is called a double helix. This wave should be stable even if the angle between the oscillation plane and the direction of motion is not perpendicular.

    This model might give the following clues:

    1. the total energy of a particle wave is the sum of its kinetic and potential energy equal to hf = mv2
    2. the image of the particle and wave is represented by only one picture, the particle wave, and so it may provide a link between quantum mechanics and wave mechanics.

  • Laser-Experimente zur Festellung der Lichtbewegung (2007) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Erich Wanek berichtet ?ber einen Versuch, welcher unter Verwendung eines Lasers und eines Prismas die Anisotropie des Lichts aufzeigen sollte. Wurde die Versuchsanordnung so aufgestellt, da? sie infolge der Erddrehung im Abstand von 12 Stunden einmal in die Richtung der Bewegung des Sonnensystems mit etwa 350 km/s in der Richtung zum Sternbild L?we und nach 12 Stunden gegen diese Richtung zeigte, ergab sich in der Versuchszeit vom 19. bis 22.April 2007 in einem Abstand von 4 m jeweils eine ganz geringf?gige Verschiebung des Laser-Lichtpunkts von bis zu 1 mm. Um zu pr?ziseren Aussagen zu gelangen, sollte dieses oder ein ?hnliches Experiment bei der gleichen Himmels-Konstellation wiederholt werden.

  • Challenging Special Relativity: A New Train Paradox (2006) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Erich Wanek   read the paper:

    Velocity is defined as distance traveled per time, hence c = x/t. The dilation of time in special relativity is given by the factor: t' = t / (1 - v?/c?)1/2.

    Moreover, due to the Lorentz-contraction x' = x / (1 - v?/c?)1/2 as well. Calculating space and time for c' = x'/t', either stretching factor in the numerator and the denominator cancel out.

    This leads to a paradox: If the velocity of light is constant in any system, i.e. if c' = c , clocks will have to alter their pace due to the linear term for time in the Lorentz-transformation depending on the direction of motion.

    Let us in this paper now consider a train passing by a shining lantern at rest and let an observer in the train wish to measure the velocity of light before and after he train had passed by the source of light. We see that the same clock is ticking slower when the light is in front and ticking faster when the light is behind.

  • Die Richtungsabh?ngigkeit der Uhren nach der Relativit?tstheorie (ein Zug-Paradoxon) (2006) [Updated 8 years ago]

    Die Geschwindigkeit wird definiert als Weg/Zeit, es ist c = x / t.  Nach der Lorentz-Transformation der Relativit?tstheorie ergibt sich aus der Zeitdilation die Zeit  t' = t / (1 - v?/c?)1/2 , und  ferner aus der L?ngenkontraktion x' =  x / (1 - v?/c?)1/2 . F?r die Berechnung von c' = x' / t' heben sich also zun?chst die L?ngenkontraktion und die Zeitdilatation (beides mit 1 / (1 - v?/c?)1/2 im Nenner) gegenseitig auf. 

    Wenn nun ein bewegter Beobachter die von der Relativit?tstheorie geforderte gleiche konstante Lichtgeschwindigkeit auf Grund der kompletten Lorentz-Transformation mit dem linearen Term f?r die Zeit misst, wird die Zeit je nach der Bewegungsrichtung anders transformiert und der Gang seiner Uhren ?ndert sich anders je nach der Richtung seiner Bewegung.

    Wenn ein Zug zwischen zwei Laternen f?hrt, muss nach der RT im Zug die gleiche Uhr am gleichen Ort langsamer gehen, wenn das Licht von der vorderen Laterne gemessen wird, aber gleichzeitig schneller, wenn das Licht von der hinteren Laterne gemessen wird

    (For abstract and the full version in English see "Challenging Special Relativity: A New Train Paradox")

  • Paradoxe Relativit (2005) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Erich Wanek   read the paper:

    In this (German) paper the following topics are dealt with

    1. Michelson's experiment may be interpreted in another way.
    2. When the velocity c = x/t is computed according to Lorentz's formula, it comes out that the contraction of length, equal 1 / (1 - v2/c2)1/2, and and the dilation of time, equal 1 / (1 - v2/c2)1/2, cancel each other out.
    3. The transformation of time is dependent on the direction of motion. This is to mean that clock time varies with the direction of motion with respect to the source of light.
    4. The clock paradox and relative motion.
    5. Space is not curved, but light rays are bent by gravity.

    The velocity of escape from the universe exceeds, given its size and mass, the velocity of light. Therefore, the universe as a whole behaves like a black hole with all types of galaxies revolving around its center.

  • Paradoxien der Relativit?tstheorie und deren ?berwindung durch das Modell einer Teilchenwelle (1962) [Updated 8 years ago]

    In this (German) article the author presents his basic ideas to

    1. The paradox of Einstein's special theory of relativity and the Lorentz-transformation, particularly to the constant light velocity, by example that due to the time dilation clocks will have to alter their pace depending on the direction of motion. An extension of these arguments you will find in the abstracts "Paradoxe Relativit?t" (German, 2005) and "A New Train-Paradox" (2006).
    2. Since both photons and elementary particles exhibit at the same time masslike as well as wavelike properties, it is reasonable to ascribe the motion of those "particles" to an array of subparticles, which oscillate in the plane perpendicular to their motion. Such a double-helix is called by the author "Particlewave", where these "particles" must not only be corpuscles, but also may be some vortices of ether or whatever. An extension of this idea in English you will find in the article "The Particlewave", Physics Essays, V21, N4, pp. 267-270 (Dec 2008).