Pages: 255
Publisher: One Off Publishing
Year: 2005
ISBN: 0646449176
With the recent release of the book "Terra non Firma Earth. Plate Tectonics is a Myth." by Dr. James Maxlow, Terrella Press has adopted a policy of supporting and recognizing Earth Expansion as a viable alternative to the Plate Tectonics theory.
Readers who attended the NEXUS Conference in Brisbane last September were treated to a talk by geologist Dr. James Maxlow on the Expanding Earth hypothesis, set off by full-colour graphics and animations courtesy of partner Antia Maxlow.
Conference-goers and other NEXUS readers out there will be very interested in Dr. Maxlow's new book, Terra Non Firma Earth, which fills in the geological knowledge that plate tectonics can't, such as resolving coastline topography fits between continents across ocean expanses. Produced in a large format on glossy stock, it features a series of awe-inspiring, full-colour graphics of key developments in the long history of Earths expansion (see previous articles in NEXUS 7/06 and 8/03).
Dr. Maxlow was originally spurred on in this work when he intuited that a huge dome structure, hundreds of kilometers in diameter, that he observed in the Pilbara region of Western Australia may be a remnant of a much-smaller-radius Earth. His text reflects the depth of his research into such fundamentals as the "geological crustal budget" and changing Earth parameters of mass, density and surface gravity, as well as into the evolution of continents and seas/oceans. Bringing together geological, paleomagnetic,space geodetic, geographical, biological and climatic evidence, Maxlow presents a well-argued case for Earth expansion over plate tectonics as the major mechanism for planetary geological development.
James Maxlow dedicates his book to the memory of Professor Sam Carey, the father of modern Earth Expansion theory who died in 2002. He is doing a great service by taking Prof. Carey's research forward despite the obstacles from acidemia. (See a precis of Dr. James Maxlow's Expanding Earth thesis in Science News this issue.)