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John Philip Claybourne
local time: 2024-04-19 11:15 (-05:00 DST)
John Philip Claybourne (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Why an Ether is Positively Necessary and a Candidate for the Job (1993) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    The belief persists in some quarters that the concept of an ether as a medium for electromagnetic waves has been completely discredited. Although it is true that the mathematics of electrodynamics and of Einstein's special relativity operate without reference to details of a transmission medium, in neither case is the ether concept contradicted; it is simply not addressed. An examination of the process by which energy and momentum are transferred from one charged body to another reveals that the electric field must be the source of the energy and momentum which are transferred. The charged bodies play a role of modulating a pre-existing field to produce the observed forces. The electric field exists throughout all space, constituting what was once called an all-pervasive ether. This concept explains how charged bodies influence the electric field to exert forces of attraction and replulsion and it explains the Michelson-Morley null results.

  • The Reciprocity of Einstein's Special Relativity Theory (1992) [Updated 6 years ago]

    In all the literature supporting Einstein's special relativity theory (SRT) there does not exist a single comprehensive analysis investigating whether the reciprocity or symmetry features are physically possible. The features in question are the predictions that observers in relative motion will each find the other's clocks running slow, will find the other's meter sticks shortened and will encounter similar contradictions on the subject of simultaneity and synchronization of clocks.  In the absence of a proper analysis the majority of physicists believe that SRT contains no contradictions. Experimental evidence refutes the reciprocity of special relativity time dilation. An analysis of the simple process of measuring time intervals reveals that the SRT reciprocity features are indeed contradictory, which proves Einstein's observer-referenced constant speed of light cannot exist. The Lorentz transformation equations based upon this principle are thereby reduced to purely mathematical concepts with no bearing upon physical theory.

  • Experimental Data and Simultaneity (1990) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Summary: According to the Special Theory of Relativity, events taking place simultaneously in one inertial frame cannot be simultaneous in another, and the time of an event viewed by clocks contradict both of these predictions and demonstrate the need to revise accepted views of simultaneity and synchronization.

  • A New Analysis of Time Dilation (1990) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    The special relativity prediction that a clock moving at speed v will run slow by the factor [] has been experimentally verified under a variety of conditions. In all cases the clocks have been subjected to significant accelerations. Clocks will run slow when accelerated according to the equivalence principle of general relativity, which predicts results consistent with those of special relativity and with the observations. An interesting outcome of this alternative explanation is that it is independent of conclusions inherent to special relativity which have only been postulated, never proven. These include reciprocal time dilation, space contraction, relativity of simultaneity and even constancy of the speed of light.