Boundary layer above photosphere observed Z. Dahlen Parker[Updated 1 decade ago] Rather than ejected material being pulled back down into the sun upon its ejection, short departure and chaotic return trip, I would propose that it can't go back into the sun immediately, it is of the wrong electrical potential. It's only course is to be dispersed laterally and get re-introduced gradually to its parent. Its brief separation from the sun has caused a slight charge shift that pulls it back and now makes it vulnerable to electric discharge which will restore it's equilibrium but also cause it to be repelled and stay above the photosphere for further involvement in the electro-dynamic cycle. |
Electric discharge of CRT makes planetary-like parallel grooves and ridges. Z. Dahlen Parker[Updated 1 decade ago] The unthinkable sometimes leads us to thought provoking visual clues. With the CRT experiments this is a regular occurrance but in 2011 the thought of placing objects on the CRT surface, with one purpose in mind led to further support of the electrical effects which can shape the features of planetary bodies. Making parallel troughs and ridges on a CRT is guite a dramatic event that can be repeated under the right conditions. Experiments give the best supporting data to form an understanding of our solar system history and validate the ancient legends of extreme electrical events reshaping the occupants of our solar system. |
Electrical-discharges and resultant disturbance and deposition of material on CRT Z. Dahlen Parker[Updated 1 decade ago] Electrical-discharges and resultant disturbance and deposition of material on CRTThe experiments which produced the features in these images were done with one primary goal, the objective being to provide supporting results for previous experiments and to conduct the experiments in such a manner so that the technical details can be discerened allowing for future replication to be accomplished with greater simplicity. During these experiments, some formation of features were captured with high speed video equipment. This footage is viewable at 'dahlenaz07''s channel on youtube. Wearing a dust mask is highly advised when in the presence of abundant particulates and dry air. |
Life-cycle of features made with electric discharge on CRT surface Z. Dahlen Parker[Updated 1 decade ago] Material involved in electric discharges of a dust covered CRT gives many examples of the life-cycle of planetary features. Before a visible electric discharge occurrs material takes flight from the general location. First the electric wind dislodges the loose material which can immediately get attracted to older features as polarity dictates. Massive amounts of material are excavated from the surface and specific patterns remain. Electric discharge experiments at small scale and energies on a CRT can be used to aid in understanding the cause and life cycle of planetary features. Quick peek at images: and Discharges were initially made with my finger as the probe. A change to the use of an RCA probe led to further discoveries as i added an object to see what would happen. With the dramatic results which occurred i then added other objects to simulate certain features such as dunes and ridges. Disregard the image below,, It is for another CRT result. I have not been able to edit it out. |