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Ronald J. Kita
local time: 2024-09-07 08:05 (-04:00 DST)
Ronald J. Kita (About)
World Science Database Profile
Independent Researcher, Inventor
Interests: Gravity, Gravitational Shielding Age: 76

Ron Kita is researching the shielding of gravitation by chiral materials. An introduction into gravitational shielding can be found at the Chiral Eotvos Experiment or Chiral Equivalence Principle, Inertial - Gravitational Shielding website: http://www.mazepath.com/uncleal/eotvos.htm. There exists the possibility that chiral molecules are a product of chemistry and the interaction of gravitational waves with stereo- ctive materials. Google search: chiral space-time. CHIRALEX is dedicated to the eventual commercial development of such materials: http://www.chiralex.com/.

Kita holds a BS from Villanova (1967), and was invited to the High Frequency Gravitational Shielding Symposium held by the Mitre Corporation, a government think-tank organization in McClean, Va, on May 6-9, 2003. Google Search: Mitre HFGW. Website: http://www.mitre.org/

LinkedIn site: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/ron-kita/15/642/387

Important gravity shielding paper: http://www.technologyreview.com/blog/arxiv/23198/

Patents: (green energy)

  • US #7340919
  • US #5829420
  • US #6662569