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Dr. Bernardo Gut
local time: 2024-12-03 17:28 (+01:00 )
Dr. Bernardo Gut (About)
CNPS Member
Interests: Relativity, Logic Age: 78

Born in Buenos Aires, Bernard attended St. Andrew?s Scots? School in Olivos, Buenos Aires. He then moved to Switerzerland where he studied mathematics and science at the University of Z?rich. He got his PHD in Philosophy with this thesis: "Beitr?ge zur Morphologie des Gynoeceums und der Bl?tenachse einiger Rutaceenn" (Bot. Jb., Bd. 85, 151-247, 1966). He taught grammar school from 1967 - 2005 in the areas of biology, chemistry, philosophy, and Spanish and was assistant of Prof. Dr. C.D.K. Cook at the Institut f?r Systematische Botanik, University of Z?rich. He has diverse interests he has pursued Several courses at the Popular University of Basel: botany with world excursions to study the vegetation of Argentina and Chile, focusing on Patagonia, worked as an ecological cartographer of forests in several Swiss cantons, and even introduced biology courses in English at the Gymnasium M?nchenstein.


  • Informationstheorie und Erkenntnislehre (Dornach, 1971)
  • Inhaltliches Denken und formale Systeme (Oberwil b. Zug,1979)
  • Immanent-logische Kritik der Relativit?tstheorie (Oberwil b. Zug, 1981)
  • Die Verbindlichkeit frei gesetzter Intentionen (Stuttgart, 1990)
  • Wiedergeburt. Gedanken zu einem neuen philosophischen Nachweis der Reinkarnation (Stuttgart, 2003)
  • Trees in Patagonia (Basel, 2008 [in print])


Several papers on epistemology, foundation of mathematics, theory of relativity, botany, and history of science. On relativity (e.g.): "Logic and Science ? looking into the foundations of the special theory of relativity", The Toth-Maatian Review, vol.13, number 4, 1997, pp. 6245-61.