- Excess Mass Stress Tectonics - EMST (2005) [Updated 8 years ago]
- Z-infinity Space (2005) [Updated 8 years ago]
- Excess Mass Stress Tectonics - EMST (2005) [Updated 8 years ago]
'Excess Mass Stress Tectonics' - EMST concerns the electromagnetic processes which have been altering low-iron silicates into becoming high-iron silicates, and how this on-going geodynamic and geochemical metamorphosis of Earth is being expressed, in terms of earthquakes, geotectonic, volcanic, and magmatic processes, in the context of a solid, quantized, and expanding Earth.
- Z-infinity Space (2005) [Updated 8 years ago]
Z-infinity Space re-examines cosmology, astronomy, quantum mechanics and particle physics upon the fundamental principle that finite does not exist in any physical sense. Space is considered the necessary infinite source of all mass, which becomes measurable, via anisotropic distribution of space by 'particles', which are standing waves, 'waving' space itself. Matter and light are sine waveforms of local anisotropy in the elastic, large-scale isotropic continuum. The elastic continuum is lossless, provides all cosmic material 'mass', accounts for both 'missing-mass' and 'dark-energy', has infinite elasticity to any energy input up to v less than c, and infinite rigidity at v greater than c. Gravity is anisotropic tension within infinite elasticity. Gravity's inverse quantity is 'mass' space density, i.e., anisotropic space distribution results in m and G. Thus E is likewise anisotropy of space, in whatever expressed or potential form. All wave-particles contain a constant quantum of tensional elastic potential, irrespective of wavelength, as per E=hf . The total volume of the potentially observable cosmos is limited by constant speed of light and expansion rate. This observable volume is the 'Optical Bubble'. As linear expansion occurs, the total tensional elastic energy of the cosmos (G), rises proportionally, thus counteracting entropic dissipation, whilst total elastic space density (m), inversely and proportionally decreases, as one. Astronomical Doppler redshifts within Z-infinity Space never exceed z=0.57, all higher components are non-Doppler, attributed to continuous linear rise in frequency of emission of photons, from standing wave 'matter'. Non-Doppler components can be instrumentally measured and differentiated from Doppler components, via amplitude peak:wavelength ratios (P:W) of all photons. Expansion is thus reinterpreted as perfectly linear, and space geometry, perfectly Euclidean. Harmonic relationships between primary natural constants verify Z-infinity Space and confirm absolute absence of finite at any scale of observation.