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Dr. Henry H. Lindner
local time: 2024-04-19 00:44 (-04:00 DST)
Dr. Henry H. Lindner (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Beyond Relativity: Ethereal Space (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Henry H. Lindner   read the paper:

    Just as the Copernican Revolution replaced the anthropocentric Ptolemaic Cosmology with an objective and much simpler model of motion in this Cosmos, so we can replace observer-based Relativity with an objective and simpler theory of what is exists and what causes the motions and events and we observe. We must start by asking questions that have been long been suppressed: Relative to what in this Cosmos does light really move at velocity c? Relative to what in this Cosmos does matter have inertia? Does ?empty? space itself have physical qualities or not? The author discusses these questions and presents an objective model of space and motion that explains the facts with greater simplicity than Relativity.

  • A Philosophical Reconstruction of Theoretical Physics (Cleaning Up the Mess that Albert Made) (2005) [Updated 7 years ago]

    The foundational assumptions of Albert Einstein's physics were:

    1. Idealism?Nothing exists or can be known except for the observer's conscious experiences.
    2. Subjectivism?Physics should describe and predict the observer's experiences and relate all phenomena to the observer.
    3. Absolute c?The velocity of light is a law of physics and therefore must be the same for every observer. Space and time must be altered for every observer to make it so (using the Lorentz transformations).
    4. Atomism?Space is nothing and thus has no effect on any physical phenomenon.

    All phenomena, including light, should be treated as due to particles flying through the void. Einstein contradicted these axioms throughout his career?but never altered them?thus creating the confusion we observe today. I propose that we members of the Natural Philosophy Alliance discuss and attempt to agree upon the following evidenced-based hy-potheses for a new theoretical physics:

    1. Cosmism?The Cosmos is an extended physical body that produced human beings and our consciousness by its own process of evolution.
    2. Objectivism?Physics should describe and model the Cosmos?as it exists and interacts with our senses and instruments.
    3. Cosmology?Physics should create and test theories concerning the nature and causes of all Cosmic phenomena.
    4. Etherism?Space is a substance; all physical phenomena are due to motions in and alterations of space.
    5. Wave Theory of Light?Light is a wave in electromagnetic space.
    6. Particle Theory?All known particles are actually persistent patterns of electromagnetic and other motions in and of space.
    7. Matter and Motion?Inertia and Gravity are two aspects of a physical interaction between space and matter.

  • Beyond Consciousness to Cosmos�Beyond Relativity and Quantum Theory to Cosmic Theory (2002) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Henry H. Lindner   read the paper:

    Albert Einstein was a subjectivistic mathematical idealist. His physics consisted of mathematical models of the subject's ideas�his sensations and measurements. Einstein's �objective reality� was intersubjective reality�the experiences about which various observers could agree. His �causes� were mental constructs created to systematize the observers' experiences. He modeled reality as it was experienced and thought, not as it was. He modeled consciousness, not the Cosmos. If we want to understand the Cosmos as it is, as a physical system from which we and our consciousness evolved, we must build upon a different philosophical foundation. We must create hypotheses and theories about what exists and how it interacts with our minds and our instruments. We must reach beyond consciousness to Cosmos, beyond Relativity and Quantum Theory to Cosmic theory.