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Dr. Jozef Kajfosz
local time: 2024-10-14 02:45 (+01:00 )
Dr. Jozef Kajfosz (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Remarks on Foundations of Physics (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Jozef Kajfosz   read the paper:

    A simple scheme for
    ordering the facts of physics is presented, and some terms associated with basic
    research are introduced.  Some aspects of
    this research are discussed and an outline of a simple model as an example of a
    working hypothesis for explaining the known facts is proposed. 

  • On the Alternative Interpretation of Special Relativity (2013) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Jozef Kajfosz   read the paper:

          A short outline of the
    alternative, Lorentzian version of special relativity is 
    presented. It is shown that a simple
    principle of consistency of measurements, familiar and
     obvious to every experimentalist, when
    applied in the interpretation of experimental
     evidence about inertial motion, leads
    straightforward to the Lorentzian formulation of
     relativity which involves both the
    principle of relativity and Lorentz transformation and 
    also a privileged state of motion and
    effects related to absolute motion.

  • The Principle of Relativity and the Ether (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Jozef Kajfosz   read the paper:
    In the alternative, Lorentzian interpretation of special relativity the ether is a necessity. This has some far-reaching consequences for fundamental research in physics
    and for the future unification which under this new paradigm shall be much easier.

  • An Alternative Model of Particle Composition and Interactions (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Jozef Kajfosz   read the paper:

    A phenomenological model developed independently of most of the recent theoretical concepts is presented. The properties of all ?ordinary? particles and anti-particles, both leptons and hadrons, are derived from only four kinds of fundamental components (4C) with ?charges? +? 1/2 e and +? 1/2 B. These fundamental components occur always in pairs of integer Q and B values. Fermions are composed of an odd number of such pairs, and bosons of an even number of them. The number of components of each kind is strictly conserved in all interactions. Strong and electromagnetic transitions occur upon absorption of at least one E [1111] boson, and weak decays occur upon absorption of a W [2020] or anti-W [0202] boson. These spin zero, low-mass, -energy, and -momentum bosons are present in vacuum with a certain density. The conservation of the 4C components accounts (with some modifications) for the conservation of charge, baryon number, lepton number(s), strangeness and isospin. Affinity with the quark model is shown and differences between these two models are outlined. Many questions remain unaddressed and the model requires verification with experiment and intense further development.