Alexander V. Frolov (Books)
by Alexander V. Frolov
Pages: 2300
Publisher: Faraday Lab Ltd
Year: 2001-2005
ISBN: 1684-7288
Pages: 2300
Publisher: Faraday Lab Ltd
Year: 2001-2005
ISBN: 1684-7288
New Energy Technologies magazine was published in russian-english edition 2001-2005. It is collection of aricticles about new technologies, inventions, ideas and theories related with aether, space-time control topic, free energy experimenting, gravity and antigravity ideas... It seems to be non-professional publications but it can be interesting for research scientists.
View count: 1
by Anatoly P. Smirnov, Alexander V. Frolov
Pages: 642
Publisher: PiK Publishing Company
Year: 1996
ISBN: 586161258
Pages: 642
Publisher: PiK Publishing Company
Year: 1996
ISBN: 586161258
Table of Contents
1. Contemporary Problems In Physics.
- Theoretical Investigations. Economic Effects of Space Energy Technologies (SET) on Individuals and Society, Gruber Josef, page 5.
- Editorial "On the History of the Event", page 14.
- Magneto-Voltaic Technology, A Solid State Approach for Tapping the Zero-Point Energy Field (ZPE), Zielinsky A., page 15.
- Researches on New Technologies, Address List, page 34.
- Prof. Anatoly P. Smirnov, The Structure of Problems and Misconceptions in Modern Physics. Methods for Solution, Possibilities and Consequences, page 35.
- On Physical Space Structure and New Interaction in Nature, Baurov Yu.A., page 45.
- Dr. Athanassios A. Nassikas, The Hypothesis and The Equations of The Unified Matter Field, page 61.
- Classical and Modified Electrodynamics, Zhilin P.A., page 73.
- Sepp Hasslberger, Tetra Space Co-ordinates (A tetrahedron-based system of space co-ordinates), page 83.
- Galilei and Relativity Principle, Chirkov A.G., page 87.
- A New Theory of the Unified Physical Field, Groshev V.L., page 91.
- Physical essence of gravity constant and its consequences, Vasil'ev V.V., page 93.
- The Ether Model as Result of the New Empirical Conception, Mishin A.M., page 95.
- De Broglie Wave Physics, Butusov Kyrill P., page 105.
- Prof. Jaroslav G. Klyushin, Expansion of Bor's Quantum Postulates, page 117.
- Alexander V. Frolov, The Concept of Mass Process, page 123.
- Thermal Electromagnetic Wave Generator, Lebed B.M, Petrov S.A., page 135.
- Dr. Ing. Martin M?ller, Saha-Equation-Undeniable Evidence for the Physical Nature of Chemical Bonding, page 141.
- Quantum Electron Hydrodynamics Under Charge Neutralization Conditions, Sanin A.L., page 151.
- Energies, Impulses, and Forces Arising at Moving Electric Charges in Vacuum, Fogel V.A., Shepsenvol M.A., page 157.
- Formula for Relatively Stable Carbon Clusters, Volkov A., page 167.
- On the Anisotropy of Electron, Efimov A.A., page 173.
- Kozyrev-Dirak Emanation Method of Detecting and Interaction With Matter, Shakhparonov I., page 175.
- Non-dissipative Closed Electrical Current Process in Normal-State (Non-superconductive) Electroconductive Media, Turchaninov G.S., Turchaninov I.G., page 189.
- A proposed Experiment of Direct Detecting of The Vector Potential Within Classical Electrodynamics, Onoochin V., page 213.
- Akimov A.E. & Dr. Gennady I. Shipov, Torsion Fields and Their Experimental Manifestations, page 221.
- Prof. Jaroslav G. Klyushin, A Generalized Formula for the Lorentz Force Density and Maxwell Equations, page 251.
2. New Energetics - Practical Results.
- James J. Hurtak & Dr. Patrick G. Bailey, Cold Fusion Research: Models and Potential Benefits, page 261.
- Dr. Tom Bearden, Use of Regauging and Multivalved Potentials to Achieve Overunity EM Engines: Concepts and Specific Engine Examples, page 277.
- Dr. Georg Galeczki & Dr. Peter Marquardt, About the Local Tapping of Energy, page 299.
- Prof. Philipp M. Kanarev, The Secret of The "Cold Fusion", page 305.
- A New Direction In The Energetics, Becklemeshev J.A., Becklemesheva G.J., page 311.
- Prof. Dan Chicea, Microscopic Acceleration Mechanism The Cold Fusion in Deuterated Materials, page 315.
- Free Energy Generation by Water Decomposition in Highly Efficiency Electrolytic Process, Goryachev I.V., page 319.
- Sepp Hasslberger, A New Beginning for Thermodynamics, page 325.
- Thermodynamic Principles and Problems of Self-Organizing in Physical Systems, Berezovsky A., page 331.
- Energy Transformation Dynamics, Mikhailovsky G.A., page 349.
- Prof. Anatoly P. Smirnov & Smirnov A.A., Mechanisms of Energy Inversion and Self-Organization in Real Systems, page 355.
- On the Second Beginning of Thermodynamics, Buinov G.N., page 359.
- N.Tesla's Unique Experiments in Colorado, Ignatyev G.F., page 365.
- Alexander V. Frolov, The Work is Created by Means of Potential Field, page 371.
- Thermal Engine With a Single Heat Source, Serogodsky A., page 381.
3. Gravitation And Adjacent Technologies.
- Nils Rognerud, Free Fall of Elementary Particles: On Moving Bodies and Their Electromagnetic Forces, page 389.
- Construction an Engine for Free Space on the Base of a Pondemotor Effect, Ignatyev G.F., page 407.
- Experimental Fundamentals for Determination of the Nature of Gravitation Interaction Carrier, Simakov A., page 411.
- Gravitation Results from Interaction of Substance with Gradient of Ether Density, Shulgin V.G., page 415.
- The Quantum Gravitation, Shpakov P.D., page 419.
- Francis J. McCabe, A Gyroscope Video Workshop Set Up to Observe & Determine Mechanical Gyro Properties of Forces, Torques & Motions, page 421.
- Rotating Hemisphere: Center of Mass Shift, Jeong E., page 429.
- Diffraction of Gravitational Field, Butusov K.P., page 451.
- About Experimental Proofs of Gravitational Sun to Earth Influence by Screening of the Part of Inflowing Surrounding Space Neutrinos, Vinogradova M.G.,Khod'kov A.E., page 457.
- Gravitational Technology, Uspensky G.R., page 461.
- Possibility for the Existence of Anti-Gravity and the Complete Parity Breaking of Gravity: Evidence from Free-Fall Experiment Using a Spinning Gyro, Hayasaka H., Tanaka H., Hashida T., Chubachi T., Sugiyama T., page 467.
- Alexander V. Frolov, The Concept of Gravitation, page 481.
- The Antigravitation Force in The Balanced Rotating System, Kashuba V., page 491.
- Compression of Standing Waves, Rhythm-dynamics and Third Condition of Rest, Ivanov Yu.N., page 495.
- Dr. Spartak M. Poliakov & Poliakov O.S., The Beginning of Experimental Gravitonics, page 529.
- Principles and Bases of the Support-less Movement and Realisation of it in a Nature, Belostotsky Y.G., page 537.
- The Inertial Propulsion Drives, Shukalov B.D., page 545.
4. Researches Of Space And Time.
- The Initial Principles of N.A.Kozyrev's Causal Mechanics, Shikhobalov L.S., page 553.
- Equivalence of Mass and Time, Abian A., page 559.
- On the Question About Analytical Methods Those Reflect the "Substance-Space-Time" Unity of the Nature in the Laws of Natural Science, and About Main Properties of This Unity, Goriachko J.G., page 569.
- Experiments on the Change of the Direction and Rate of Time Motion, Chernobrov V.A., page 575.
- The Energy Anisotropy of Space, Efimov A.A., Shpitalnaya A.A., page 583.
- On Some Properties of the Physical Time and Space, Veinik A.I., page 587.
- To a Question on Reserves of Information Interaction in a Nature, Stavitsky V.I., page 599.
- Generalized Golden Section and the Time Theory, Timashev A.R., page 605.
- Information-Energy Model of Matter and Universe, Plykin V.D., page 615.
- The United Holography Information Theory of the Universe, Dvorin G.V., page 621.
- The Lorentz Component of the Cosmological Red Shift, Sharipov M.R., page 625.
Conclusion, page 635.
Resolution, page 636.
Contents, page 638.