Dr. Stanley Jeffers (About)
World Science Database Profile
Associate Professor of Physics
Interests: Electrodynamics, Quantum Theory, Experiments
1968 Ph.D., D.I.C Opto-electronics, Imperial College, University of London
1963 B.Sc., A.R.C.S. Physics (Special Honours), Imperial College, University of London
Scholarly and Professional Memberships
International Astronomical Union
Associate Editor, World Scientific Series in Contemporary Chemical Physics
Selected Publications
Hunter, G. and Jeffers, S. Realism and the realized Popper experiment, presented at the Fourth Vigier Symposium, Paris (2003).
Jeffers, S. Physics and claims for anomalous effects related to consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies10(6-7), 135-52 (2003).
Freedman, M., Jeffers, S., Sager, K., Binns, M. and Black, S. Effects of frontal lobe lesions on intentionality and random physical systems. J.Sci. Exp.17(3) (2003).
Evans, M.V. and Jeffers, S. The present status of the Quantum theory of light, in modern non-linear optics 3, 1-197, eds. I.Prigogene and S.A.Rice. Interscience (2001).
Jeffers, S., Lehnert, B., Abramson, N. and Chebotarev, L. Jean-Pierre Vigier and the stochastic interpretation of Quantum mechanics, Apeiron Press, Montreal (2000).
Current Research Projects
Interpretation of recent experiments bearing on quantum mechanics.
Analysis of extensive data gleaned from teaching large first year classes on claims for the efficacy of TEL (Technology Enhanced Learning).
Courses Taught
SC/NATS 1710 6.00 The Nature and Growth of Scientific Thought
SC/PHYS 1510 4.00 Introduction to Physics
Interference and diffraction phenomena have been studied using Maxwell's equations yielding amplitude, phase and Poynting vector spatial distributions for a variety of geometries. This analysis has been used to refute claims that a pulsed microwave double slit experiment might challenge Complementarity. Recent work has concerned experimental checks on the recent suggestion that the classical electromagnetic field may, if circularly polarised, carry a longitudinal, constant component, the so-called B(3) field.