Paul Baumann (About)
World Science Database Profile
(Died: 2000)
Interests: New Energy
Paul Baumann is one of the few people in the last 40 years who built and demonstrated fuelless, self-running machines. The reason he was never "suppressed" is that he never showed anyone how or why the machines worked, and was not interested in commercial development.
As a member of the Methernitha Christian Community, in Linden, Switzerland, he firmly believed that humanity was not ready to be responsible for the knowledge. - Free Energy
Further information about Baumann's remarkable "Testatika" machine is available in Jeane L. Manning's book, The Coming Energy Revolution: The Search for Free Energy (1996).
Video: Thesta-Distatica. Produced and directed by Methernitha. 30 minutes. Linden, Switzerland, 1989. Videocassette.