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Tim Ventura
local time: 2024-04-19 03:43 (-06:00 )
Tim Ventura (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Nucleonic Energy: Mel Winfield puts a Spin on the Hutchison Effect (2006) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Tim Ventura, Mel E. Winfield   read the paper:

    January 16th, 2006 Interview.  The Hutchison Effect is a striking collection of levitation & materials effects that?s gone 20 years without explanation ? or has it?  Scientist & inventor Mel Winfield claims that today?s Hutchison-Effect arose asa validation of effects predicted by his vortex-gravity theory of Nucleonic Energy over 20 years ago,and joins us to talk about his model of physics to offer insight into this compelling mystery.

  • Inertial Propulsion in Russia: Dr. Gennady Shipov on Torsion Physics & Inertial Propulsion (2006) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Tim Ventura, Gennady I. Shipov   read the paper:

    April 18, 2006 Interview.  Last month Dr. Gennady Shipov unveiled a new inertial propulsion drive developed by Russina inventor Vladimir Tolchin, adding to a growing body of Inertial Propulsion & Torsion-Physics research revisiting the basics of mechanical off-center rotators.  He joins us to talk about the leading contenders in Russian inertial-drive technologies, including a device by Valery Menshikov scheduled for testing this year by the Russina Space Agency...

  • Shipov on Torsion: Dr. Gennady Shipov on Torsion Physics & GPP (2005) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Tim Ventura, Gennady I. Shipov   read the paper:

    December 1, 2005 Interview.  Dr. Gennady Shipov is one of the world?s leading physicists in Torsion-Physics research.  He joins us to talk about the fundamentals of this emerging branch of scientific discovery, and provides some unique insight into how we can turn the fundamental forces of nature towards the gaol of advanced propulsion.