Pages: 210
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Year: 2006
ISBN: 1412022436
ISBN: 978-1412022439
This book is quite controversial and very surely will raise lively discussions and deep intellectual restlessness in lay circles, as well as at the bosom of the international scientific community, because the author's discoveries give a lost symmetry back to modern physics, removing it from the marshy, moving lands across which it has been traveling throughout the past 90 years.
View count: 1
Pages: 164
Publisher: Enrique Morales-Riveira
Year: 2000
ISBN: 958332020X
ISBN: 978-9583320200
This book is quite controversial and very surely will raise lively discussions and deep intellectual restlessness in lay circles, as well as at the level of the international scientific community, because the author?s discoveries return to classical physics a lost symmetry, removing it from some marshy and moving lands through which it has been traveling throughout the past 85 years.
This book is specially conceived for a wide audience of people with genuine and enthusiastic interest for these topics, but not necessarily with scientific training. The author has attempted to make his work understandable to a lay reader having only a casual background in mathematics and physics, sparking his(her) interest and encouraging him(her) to further explorations into the field of relativity and gravitation.
The topics and discussions of the book are highly organized and structured, following a planned logical sequence and using figures to make everything easy and pleasant for the reader, looking for simplicity and meaning. The language used is deprived of technical jargon, and all explanations, and demonstrations, are without mathematical difficulties.
This book certainly could on-set what probably will be the most exciting and important scientific controversy of the 21st Century, which is none other than the epistemological absurdity of the still unproven current fundamental scientific postulates about time, space energy and matter; bringing Physical Science to the next plateau. This unique book has the potential to become a historical scientific document for generations to come.