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Russ McGlenn
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Russ McGlenn (Books)

View count: 1
by Russ McGlenn

Pages: 139
Publisher: Adventure Safaris
Year: 2003

Websites: www.tccsa.tc/adventure/adventure_books.html

Benefits of a New Model of the Atom

  1. The spinning-ring model has the potential to explain gravity based upon electrical forces.
  2. The new model defines light as a wave and explains its movement in outer space. It rejects the duality principle that light is both a wave and a particle (a logical contradiction and an assumption inconsistent with God's nature and design).
  3. The new model puts physics back on a firm scientific (and biblical) basis instead of a philosophical basis.
  4. The new model reduces the number of assumptions that must be made for nuclear modeling.
  5. The chaos theories of the cosmos and nuclear energy are shown to be false. The spinning-ring model shows that God is a God of order, and the model is founded upon cause-and-effect classical science.
  6. Five forces have been associated with theoretical physics for nearly 100 years. These are electrical force, magnetic force, gravitational force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. This book will show that the theory of weak and strong nuclear forces is rejected by the spinning-ring model of the atom. The Common Sense Science team believes their model will also eventually explain gravitational force based on electromagnetism. This simplifies all forces in the universe to two: electrical and magnetic.

Cause and Effect

It seems that Einstein did for physics what Darwin did for biology-setting their respective areas of science back 100 years. At the turn of the 20th century, a number of scientists were working on a cause-and-effect model of the atom based on classical science and electromagnetic principles. When Einstein's theory of relativity was embraced by the media and the general scientific community, it eclipsed everything else that was going on at that time.

Einstein may not have intended his theories to become what they are today, but like Darwin's biology of 50 years earlier, Einstein began to move physics away from the principle of cause and effect, toward the idea of random chance. Einstein's physics, on the other hand, was purely theoretical. He did not involve himself with laboratory experiments or observation. He only made predictions about physical phenomena that he said, if observed, would prove his theories. In Chapter 3 we will discuss the effect of Einstein's theories on modern science.

The goal of this book is to show the need for science to return to cause-and-effect principles for scientific research. The principle of cause and effect says that everything has a logical cause creating the effects we see around us. For example, gravity, the cause, makes a pencil fall to the ground, creating the effect.

Energy. The Grand Unification Theory (GUT)

This new model has the potential for a Grand Unification Theory of the universe.  The Common Sense Science team feels they will be able to understand what causes gravity based upon this model.

Two forms of energy:

  1. Energy = waves (electromagnetic) Gen. 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
  2. Energy with charge = matter [atoms] (electromagnetic waves with a charge of negative or positive to hold the atom together) Gen. 1:4 "And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."

The basis of all physical objects in the universe is electromagnetism (electricity and magnetism)

The Bohr Model of the Atom 

  • Has three assumptions known to be wrong.
  • Relativity and Quantum Theory, based on the Bohr Model, cannot give a true picture of God's Creation.
  • Relativity and Quantum Theory, deny design and a creator God.

The New Model of the Atom (Lucas/Bergman)

  • Based on cause and effect.
  • Reduces all forces in the universe to two: electricity & magnetism.
  • Major discoveries that will help spread the Gospel can result from this new Model of the Atom.

Table of Contents

  • Preface and Acknowledgments                                       v
  • Chapter 1: Design and Order Vs. Relativity and Chaos     1
  • Chapter 2: The Fundamentals of Classical Science           8
  • Chapter 3: Einstein's Papers: Fact or Fiction?                 14
  • Chapter 4: The Bohr Model                                          22
  • Chapter 5: The Spinning Charged Electron                     29
  • Chapter 6: The Spinning-Ring Model of the Atom            41
  • Chapter 7: God and the Space-Time Continuum             48
  • Chapter 8: A Witness to Scientists                                 55
  • Appendix 1: Scientific Development in Ancient Times      70
  • Appendix 2: A Chronology of Christians in Science         72
  • Bibliography                                                                83

This is the book that started my adventure in alternative physics. - Greg Volk