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Pages: 198
Publisher: Modena, Accademia nazionale delle scienze lettere e arti
Year: 2001

Waves. Particles and Configuration Space
  • (Epr, Bell's Inequality)

    Piazza Abbadia 4
    I-53100 Siena


    • ?The relativity of inertia and reality of nothing? (with E. Caccese) preprint
    • ?Duhem, Quine and the other dogma? preprint
    • ?Weyl?s unintended unification of gravitation and electricity? forthcoming in Atti del Ventisettesimo congresso degli storici della fisica e dell?astronomia, Bergamo, giugno 2007, edited by E. Giannetto and G. Giannini, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2008
    • ?How Weyl stumbled across electricity while pursuing mathematical justice? Studies in history and philosophy of modern physics, 2008
    • ?The optico-mechanical analogy: an axiomatic approach? International journal of theoretical physics 46, 2669-75, 2007
    • ?Einstein e la teoria elettrogravitazionale di Weyl? in Albert Einstein, filosofo e metodologo, edited by V. Fano, F. Minazzi and I. Tassani, special issue (4) of Protagora, 2007
    • ?If Bertlmann had three feet? in The foundations of quantum mechanics ? historical analysis and open questions, edited by C. Garola et al., Singapore, World Scientific, 2006
    • ?Can nothing cause nonlocal quantum jumps?? (with G. Tarozzi) in Quantum mechanics, edited by A. Bassi et al., Melville, AIP conference proceedings, 2006
    • ?Cartesian and Lagrangian momentum? Foundations of physics letters 18, 371-8, 2005
    • ?Stati mentali agenti istantaneamente a grande distanza su stati fisici. Un ulteriore paradosso quantistico per la relazione mente-materia? (with G. Tarozzi) in La mente nella fisica, la fisica della mente, edited by V. Fano, special issue (IX-1) of Teorie e modelli, 2004
    • ?Bell?s inequality with times rather than angles? Journal of modern optics 50, 1063-9, 2003
    • ?Altering the remote past? Foundations of physics letters 16, 293-301, 2003
    • ?Kaons and Bell?s inequality? in The foundations of quantum mechanics ? historical analysis and open questions, edited by C. Garola and A. Rossi, Singapore, World Scientific, 2000
    • ?Can kaons be used to violate Bell?s inequality?? in Atti del congresso triennale della societ? italiana di logica e filosofia delle scienze, edited by V. Fano et al., Bari, Rubbettino, 2000
    • ?Interference and commutativity in quantum mechanics? Rapporto interno IRMA?CNR 1/97
    • ?Correlazioni quantistiche fra diversi sottosistemi separati? in Atti del convegno di fondamenti e filosofia della fisica, Cesena-Urbino, settembre 1994, edited by V. Fano, Cesena, Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 1996
    • ?Probability relations involving several subsystems? Foundations of physics letters 8, 467-80, 1995
    • ?Three quantum theories of measurement? (with F. Selleri) in The foundations of quantum mechanics, edited by C. Garola and A. Rossi, Dordrecht, Kluwer, 1995
    • ?Correlations involving several subsystems? in Advances in fundamental physics, edited by M. Barone and F. Selleri, Palm Harbor, Hadronic Press, 1995