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Pages: 286
Publisher: Naturphilosophischer Verlag Reinhard Rohmer
Year: 2005
ISBN: 3980983102
ISBN: 978-3980983105

Die Entzauberung Einsteins (Buy Now)
KeyWords: einstein

Reinhard Rohmer

The Disenchantment Einstein: Why the Special Theory of Relativity is Total Nonsense


Charlie Chaplin has once said to Einstein : "The people adore me, because they understand everything by myself, and they admire you because they do not understand you."  Even today nobody understands him. Is due to the people or to Einstein? Of course, to Einstein! Why that shows this book on popular way. The book is not only a disenchantment Einstein. It is a comprehensive philosophy of nature, a general criticism of science and an exciting piece of physics history.