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Pages: 218
Publisher: BookSurge Publishing
Year: 2005
ISBN: 1419616633
ISBN: 978-1419616631

The Growing and Developing Earth (Buy Now)
KeyWords: expanding earth
  • Geologist
    (Expanding Earth)
    • Gymnasium (1954 in Albania)
    • Collage VSB (1959 in Former Czechoslovakia)
    • Qualification through uninterrupted-field research works, geologic mapping (mostly the rivers\' valleys), etc and simultaneously through collaboration with scientific and didactic institutions of the country.


    • Cave terrains where the waterpower station was built on Drin river in Vau i Dejes, Shkodra, Albania
    • Intensive tectonically broken region of volcanoes-sedimentary series penetrated from a granite dike, where waterpower station of Fierza on Drin river was built
    • A very intensively folded region of Cukali Tectonic Zone in contact with the Mirdita over-thrusting one, where Komani waterpower station on Drin river was built
    • Geological Research Methods on Large B for post-universitary specialization


    • A book on \"Engineering Geology\" for middle hydro-technical specialists
    • An article about geologic concept of Helen-ides as a limited part of Dinarides
    • A book on Growing and Developing Earth


    • Founder of the \"Geoengineering Research Unit\" which supports building projects and construction works in every field of building activity
    • Involved with the problems of The Growing and Developing Earth