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Pages: 129
Year: 1954/1965

Antirelativus (Buy Now)
  • (Relativity)

    Gotthard Barth was born February 4, 1913 in Reichenberg. [He graduated after only] five semesters in medicine and physics. After the war, [he took] 12 more semester at the University at Vienna in physics, mathematics and philosophy.  Even as young student [he was a] strong critic of the law of thermodynamics.

    Since 1948, involvement with the theory of relativity, lately criticism of relative mathematics and historical research into the begninnings of Einstein.

    Since 1957, publisher of the magazine for basic physics, \"Wissen im Werden\". Physics publications\" \"Rational Physik, Energetische Waermetheorie, Einstein widerlegt (1954), Der gigantische Betrug mit Einstein (1987)\". In philosophy: \"Das Eine and das Werder\", dialectric of the ancient Greeks. \"Licht aus den Atomen\", the dipole theory of light based on Greek dialectic was supposed to be published in 1984 by W. Wegener, publishers. Planned is \"Rationale Ethik, Die Parasitentheorie\". - Raum & Zeit, p. 70 (1989)


    • Antirelativus, 1954.
    • Relativistische und klassische Physik 1954.
    • Rationale Physik, 1962.
    • Antirelativus (Einstein widerlegt), 1965.
    • Antirelativus. Rationale Physik gegen magisch-paradoxe Theorie, / Neue Aufl. - Alt-Prerau /Wildend?rnbach, 1967, 128 S.
    • Einstein widerlegt, 1968.
    • [Sammlung] Magische Physik, 1970.
    • Einstein widerlegt, 1979.
    • Einsteins Hohlwelt in der Raum-Zeit Null, 1980.
    • F?r ethische Verantwortung jedes Forschers, 1981.
    • R. Sexls Einstein-Mathematik, 1982.
    • Die Relativit?tstheorie - Dilettantismus und Betrug, 1984, 92 S.
    • Die Geschichten des Fachlehrers A. E., 1987, 140 S.
    • Der gigantische Betrug mit Einstein, historisch und mathematisch, 1987, 92 S.
