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Pages: 184
Publisher: C. Roy Keys Inc. (Apeiron)
Year: 2006
ISBN: 0973291133
ISBN: 978-0973291131

Einstein and Poincar?: The Physical Vacuum (Buy Now)
KeyWords: einstein
  • V. V. Dvoeglazov graduated from Saratov State University (ex-U.S.S.R.) in 1983. He earned his first doctorate degree (in Russia there are two doctorate degrees) at the JINR, Dubna (1991) with the thesis ?Description of the interactions of two relativistic particles with spins in the quantum field theory?. The degree was confirmed by the U.S.S.R. State Attestation Committee in April 1992. Since 1993 he has been working in Mexico, and since March 1994 at the Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas, at University City in the central mountainous part of Mexico, where he is a member of the Mexican Sistema Nacional de Investigadores, Nivel I (Mexican System of National Researchers, Level I). He is the (co)author of approximately fifty (50) scientific publications and has made contributions to several dozen conferences at the national (Mexico), all-Union (ex-U.S.S.R.) and international levels. His main areas of research are the physics of neutral particles and the extended Poincar? group symmetries.

    Website http://cantera.reduaz.mx/~valeri/valeri.htm inoperable as of 8/08