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Pages: 710
Publisher: Sourcebook Project
Year: 1979
ISBN: 0915554054
ISBN: 978-0915554058

Mysterious Universe: A Handbook of Astronomical Anomalies (Buy Now)

William R. Corliss
  • Our Astronomy Handbook covers much the same ground as the three preceding Astronomy Catalogs, but in more detail. For example, the quotations are much more extensive.
  • Typical subjects covered:
    The lost satellite of Venus * Transient lunar phenomena * Ephemeral earth satellites * Venus' radial spoke system * Relativlty contradicted * Cosmological paradoxes * Changes in light's velocity * Vulcan; the intramercurial planet * Knots on Saturn's rings * Bright objects near the sun * The Sun's problematical "companion star" * "Sedimentary" meteorites * Life chemistry in outer space * Planet positions and sunspots