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Pages: 139
Publisher: MindSight Publications
Year: 1994

Relativity, Causality & Reality (Buy Now)
  • (Fine Structure Constant)
    Jeff Lee graduated from Pasadena City College with a degree in electronics and was a member of the Natural Philosophy Alliance for several years. He is now the manager and director of the CENTER for REALITY PHYSICS located in Temecula California. He has recently published a book entitled: ?The GOD CIPHER? illustrating how Time Dilation was used to both design and structure the orbits of the Bohr Hydrogen Atom. This new discovery, by interconnecting Time Dilation to atomic structure now, for the first time ever in the history of Physics, exposes the direct mathematical connection between Quantum Mechanics and Space-time Physics, which has eluded Theoretical Physics Academia for the past three-quarters of a century.