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Yuri I. Petrov
local time: 2024-04-20 03:53 (+01:00 )
Yuri I. Petrov (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • On the Incorrectness of the Lagrange Formalism as Applied to Magnetic Phenomena (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    A critical analysis reveals the invalidity of the established idea that movement of free charges in a magnetic field could be described with a help of the analytical Lagrange mechanics: the given system is non-conservative and non-holonomic. As the Lorentz force in the equation of charge movement was silently supposed to be an active force, the magnetic energy u0H (u0 is the magnetic moment of orbital electron and H is the magnetic field, and ?dot? denotes scalar product) turns out numerically equal to a fraction of the kinetic energy of the electron in the plane perpendicular to the direction of H. Consequently, a routine introducing into Lagrangian of the term with a vector potential, which is equivalent to u0H, resulting in paradoxical doubling of the corresponding fraction of the kinetic energy. This occurs irrespective of the magnetic field strength. As a result, the applied Lagrange?s formalism and notations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian lose their meanings. Therefore, expressions obtained with a help of the Lagrange mechanics become inapplicable for deducing the equation of charge motion in a magnetic field or for calculating the magnetic magnitudes. The Lorentz force actually acts upon a moving charge as a passive non-holonomic linkage imposing constraints upon the direction of its velocity, but it is not able to add the kinetic energy to the particle.

  • Model Synthesis of Corpuscular and Wave Properties of Matter (2009) [Updated 7 years ago]

    This work attempts a synthesis of the corpuscular and the wave properties of matter and radiation with-out the use of the statistical quantum mechanics. It is assumed that a spatially localized quantum of energy periodically switches between two states. One of these states can be manifested as a pulsating inert mass, and the other one can be an oscillating charge or spatially localized electric field. Such a model of ?blinking particles? explains both the wave properties of electrons and neutrons and the corpuscular behavior of radiation. It gives a basis to deduce expressions for the De Broglie wavelength and the pressure of light, as well as the Schr?dinger wave equation and the laws of black body radiation. It is shown that photon propagation in vac-uum obeys the Maxwell equations.  The dependence of particle mass particle velocity and the dependence of photon frequency on radiation source velocity, obtained without the use of Lorentz transformations, are the same as in the theory of relativity.  It is shown that, contrary to current belief, the photon has half-integer spin. A value of the proper magnetic moment of the electron is obtained to equal half of the Bohr magneton. The foundations of quantum mechanics are discussed critically from the viewpoint of the blinking-particle model.

  • Lorentz Transformation as a Consequence of the Doppler Effect (2008) [Updated 7 years ago]

    The idea of time as a physical quantity specifying the measure of movement leads to a model of ?blinking' particles; i.e., electrons, photons, etc., exhibiting continuous oscillation of a quantum of energy from one state to another. Such an approach explains relationships including: particle mass variation with speed, photon frequency variation velocity of radiator and the gravitational field, the origin of longitudinal and transverse Doppler effects, as well as the essence of Einstein's relation E = mc2. New derivations of expressions for the Doppler effect and the coefficient of light entrainment by substance are given. It is shown that Lorentz' transformations have a fictitious nature, and are the interrelated consequences of Doppler effects. Fundamentals of Special Relativity Theory (SRT) are criticized.