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320 (51 to 75) << 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 >>

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by Andre K. T. Assis

Pages: 140
Publisher: Setor de Publicacoes do Instituto de Fisica da Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Year: 1992

Este livro apresenta a eletrodin?mica desenvolvida por Wilhelm Weber (1804-1891). Ela ? baseada em uma lei de for?a que depende n?o apenas da dist?ncia entre as cargas mas tamb?m da velocidade relativa entre elas e da acelera??o relativa entre elas. Mostra-se como deduzir a for?a de Amp?re entre elementos de corrente. Compara-se a for?a de Weber com a for?a de Lorentz. Uma ampla bibliografia ? apresentada ao final do livro.

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by Harald Maurer

Pages: 512
Publisher: Mahag-Verlag
Year: 1987/2003
ISBN: 3900800014
ISBN: 978-3900800017

Websites: www.mahag.com/home.php

"Warum glauben wir, ein K?rper h?re dort auf, wo wir ihn nicht mehr sp?ren? Warum nicht dort, wo wir ihn nicht mehr h?ren oder sehen? K?nnte es vielleicht sein, dass sich jeder K?rper von sich aus ins Unendliche erstreckt, auch wenn wir diese Ausdehnung mit unseren beschr?nkten Sinnen nicht wahrnehmen?"

Die konsequente Fortsetzung dieses vom Physiker und Philosophen Ernst Mach ausgesprochenen Gedankens f?hrt zu einer Art Allgemeinen Feldtheorie, deren Auswirkungen s?mtliche Bereiche der Naturwissenschaft ber?hrt, das R?tsel der Gravitation entschleiert und begreifbar macht, wieso Einsteins Allgemeine Relativit?tstheorie tats?chlich einer scheinbar bizarren Wirklichkeit entspricht.

Diese subjektive Wirklichkeit als Produkt der Interaktion unserer Wahrnehmung mit einer Welt aus Quanten, Impulsen und Strukturen beruht offenbar auf einer ganz einfachen Ursache. Inspiriert vom Mach'schen Prinzip werden Herkunft und Funktion des Kosmos als die Auswirkung einer simplen Tatsache dargestellt: dem Grundsatz der Verdr?ngung und der universellen Absto?ung einer Materie, die sich selbst im Weg steht ...

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by Eduard Krausz

Pages: 256
Publisher: Corona Verlag
Year: 1998
ISBN: 3928084798

Realit?t kontra Relativit?t - Wesentliche Grundlagen der Kern- und Astrophysik sind weit davon entfernt, gesichertes Wissen zu sein. Deshalb lohnt es sich den Entdeckungen des Autors und Forschers, Dipl. Ing. Eduard Krausz nachzugehen. Seine Alternative Gravitationstheorie kann kern- und astro-physikalische Ph?nomene durchgehend und wesentlich plausibler erkl?ren als die herrschende Lehre, die ausschlie?lich auf Teilchen fixiert ist.

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by George A. Bourbaki

Pages: 206
Publisher: ?ther-Verlag M?nchen
Year: 1990

Websites: www.bourbaki.de/Physik.html

Zitat Seite 51:
2. Die Me?resultate von Michelson und Morley waren keine Nullresultate. Der gemessene ?therwind von weniger als 10 km/sek war nur sehr viel geringer als der Wert, den sich die betreffenden Forscher vorgestellt hatten.
3. Unter dem Dreiergespann Michelson, Morley und Miller hat allein Miller sehr sorgf?ltige Messungen mit 200 000 Me?wertablesungen durchgef?hrt, und diese Me?resultate werden im relativistischen Lager vollkommen totgeschwiegen - wohlweislich deshalb, weil sie nicht in das allgemeine Konzept passen."

Zitat; Seite 81:
So wie sich dies jedoch in der Folge zeigte, wurde die Ablenkungsformel f?r den einfachen Ablenkungswinkel bereits im Jahre 1801 von dem Astronomen Soldner abgeleitet."

Zitat Seite 105:
Die ersten systematischen Messungen des gesuchten Einstein-Effektes
(# Gravitationsbedingte Rotverschiebung) wurden 1914 am Potsdamer Astrophysikalischen Institut von dem damaligen Direktor Karl Schwarzschild an Hand von Stickstofflinien der Sonne durchgef?hrt. F?r st?rkere Linien fand Schwarzschild in der Sonnenmitte einen mittleren Rotverschiebungswert von 0,33 km/sek, w?hrend er f?r schw?chere Linien 0,17 km/sek betrug."

Zitat Seite 205:
1954: Auf der Tagung der Nobelpreistr?ger in Lindau h?lt Soddy am 30. Juni eine Rede, in welcher in Bezug auf die moderne Physik er folgendes zu sagen hat: Wenn ein Schuljunge ein solches Kardinalverbrechen beginge, seine Zahlen zu frisieren, um das richtige Ergebnis zu erhalten, w?rde er als eine Schande f?r die Schule herausgestellt werden. Diese Theorien, insbesondere die von der Relativit?t und vom Wirkungsquantum sind von h?chst transzentraler Art und grenzen ans Bizarre und Drollige, so da? die Frage berechtigt ist, wie weit sie ?berhaupt als Wissenschaft gelten d?rften. ..Der wahre Schuldige war Einstein. ... Das physikalische Establishment ist derart gut organisiert, da? seine Rede geheim blieb, einige Undichtigkeitsstellen nat?rlich ausgenommen."

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by Russ McGlenn

Pages: 139
Publisher: Adventure Safaris
Year: 2003

Websites: www.tccsa.tc/adventure/adventure_books.html

Benefits of a New Model of the Atom

  1. The spinning-ring model has the potential to explain gravity based upon electrical forces.
  2. The new model defines light as a wave and explains its movement in outer space. It rejects the duality principle that light is both a wave and a particle (a logical contradiction and an assumption inconsistent with God's nature and design).
  3. The new model puts physics back on a firm scientific (and biblical) basis instead of a philosophical basis.
  4. The new model reduces the number of assumptions that must be made for nuclear modeling.
  5. The chaos theories of the cosmos and nuclear energy are shown to be false. The spinning-ring model shows that God is a God of order, and the model is founded upon cause-and-effect classical science.
  6. Five forces have been associated with theoretical physics for nearly 100 years. These are electrical force, magnetic force, gravitational force, the weak nuclear force, and the strong nuclear force. This book will show that the theory of weak and strong nuclear forces is rejected by the spinning-ring model of the atom. The Common Sense Science team believes their model will also eventually explain gravitational force based on electromagnetism. This simplifies all forces in the universe to two: electrical and magnetic.

Cause and Effect

It seems that Einstein did for physics what Darwin did for biology-setting their respective areas of science back 100 years. At the turn of the 20th century, a number of scientists were working on a cause-and-effect model of the atom based on classical science and electromagnetic principles. When Einstein's theory of relativity was embraced by the media and the general scientific community, it eclipsed everything else that was going on at that time.

Einstein may not have intended his theories to become what they are today, but like Darwin's biology of 50 years earlier, Einstein began to move physics away from the principle of cause and effect, toward the idea of random chance. Einstein's physics, on the other hand, was purely theoretical. He did not involve himself with laboratory experiments or observation. He only made predictions about physical phenomena that he said, if observed, would prove his theories. In Chapter 3 we will discuss the effect of Einstein's theories on modern science.

The goal of this book is to show the need for science to return to cause-and-effect principles for scientific research. The principle of cause and effect says that everything has a logical cause creating the effects we see around us. For example, gravity, the cause, makes a pencil fall to the ground, creating the effect.

Energy. The Grand Unification Theory (GUT)

This new model has the potential for a Grand Unification Theory of the universe.  The Common Sense Science team feels they will be able to understand what causes gravity based upon this model.

Two forms of energy:

  1. Energy = waves (electromagnetic) Gen. 1:3 "And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."
  2. Energy with charge = matter [atoms] (electromagnetic waves with a charge of negative or positive to hold the atom together) Gen. 1:4 "And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."

The basis of all physical objects in the universe is electromagnetism (electricity and magnetism)

The Bohr Model of the Atom 

  • Has three assumptions known to be wrong.
  • Relativity and Quantum Theory, based on the Bohr Model, cannot give a true picture of God's Creation.
  • Relativity and Quantum Theory, deny design and a creator God.

The New Model of the Atom (Lucas/Bergman)

  • Based on cause and effect.
  • Reduces all forces in the universe to two: electricity & magnetism.
  • Major discoveries that will help spread the Gospel can result from this new Model of the Atom.

Table of Contents

  • Preface and Acknowledgments                                       v
  • Chapter 1: Design and Order Vs. Relativity and Chaos     1
  • Chapter 2: The Fundamentals of Classical Science           8
  • Chapter 3: Einstein's Papers: Fact or Fiction?                 14
  • Chapter 4: The Bohr Model                                          22
  • Chapter 5: The Spinning Charged Electron                     29
  • Chapter 6: The Spinning-Ring Model of the Atom            41
  • Chapter 7: God and the Space-Time Continuum             48
  • Chapter 8: A Witness to Scientists                                 55
  • Appendix 1: Scientific Development in Ancient Times      70
  • Appendix 2: A Chronology of Christians in Science         72
  • Bibliography                                                                83

This is the book that started my adventure in alternative physics. - Greg Volk

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by Mike A Gimbel

Pages: 96
Year: 2011
ISBN: 0984677801
ISBN: 978-0984677801

This book is a response to the myths created by an idealistic theory called "Relativity". Physics and cosmology has been in a disastrous crisis for almost a century. Mathematics is not physics, yet it is treated as such. The fourth dimension exists only in mathematical equations, not in reality. Black holes do not exist. Space is not curved. There is no fundamental "God particle" from which all matter is built. Objects do not carry their own time. Above all, consciousness does not determine reality. That is the old metaphysics masquerading as science. In addition, this book is a Marxist answer to Stephen Hawking and Michio Kaku's psuedo-scientific creationist theories. Here is the endorsement by Glenn Borchardt, Ph.D, author of "The Scientific Worldview" and Director of the Progressive Science Institute: "I want to congratulate you on the excellent piece of work! I definitely like your critique of Hawking and Kaku. It puts these jokers in their place. A great job! You have done so much that is needed to expose the BS that goes for physics and cosmology today."

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by Michael J. Kelly

Pages: 80
Publisher: Trafford Publishing
Year: 2006
ISBN: 1412029015
ISBN: 978-1412029018

This coherent new theory gives a completely new and simple understanding of the universe and explains how a not too distant geo-magnetic reversal has catastrophic consequences for us all.

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by Ernst Kammerer

Pages: 78
Publisher: Ernst Kammerer
Year: 1961

The book from Ernst Kammerer The Assessment of the Speed of Light: A Reckoning with the Relativity Theory is no longer available to publishers, but it was fully published in the Forum by Mr Ekkehard Friebe (Preface and 24 sequels).

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by Reinhard Rohmer

Pages: 286
Publisher: Naturphilosophischer Verlag Reinhard Rohmer
Year: 2005
ISBN: 3980983102
ISBN: 978-3980983105

The Disenchantment Einstein: Why the Special Theory of Relativity is Total Nonsense


Charlie Chaplin has once said to Einstein : "The people adore me, because they understand everything by myself, and they admire you because they do not understand you."  Even today nobody understands him. Is due to the people or to Einstein? Of course, to Einstein! Why that shows this book on popular way. The book is not only a disenchantment Einstein. It is a comprehensive philosophy of nature, a general criticism of science and an exciting piece of physics history. 

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by Emanuel Lasker

Pages: 64
Publisher: Siedentop, Berlin
Year: 1928

The culture in danger 
by Emanuel Lasker



The research Group G.O. Mueller reports Page 309 of its documentation "?ber die absolute Gr??e der Speziellen Relativit?tstheorie" http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/buch.pdf about claims from Emanuel Lasker, a critic of the theory of relativity, chess world champion and a personal friend of Albert Einstein:

The author is a friend of Albert Einstein: this event would have got his criticism of the theory of relativity in the eyes of the relativists a special note - if they still take note of criticism from the year 1928. For the physical criticism are personal relationships meaningless.

Lasker writes against (p. 5) "Sweet delusion to be able to dominate the spirit of the world. This not acknowledged but secretly desired goal will from any pursued by the tools of mathematical physics, others by the deep sense of logic, others by intuition, from other tissues by romantic fantasy, which they called experience."

P. 20-33: Fundamental criticisms of the theories of relativity. The author responded distraught to the methods of relativity (p. 22): "Sometimes it's difficult not to write satire. How can you negotiate with people who principally take all authority only for themselves and for a few others? How can you other than satirically argue with such opponents, if they also have a very peculiar view of reason and of the basic requirements of a scientific dispute??

Conclusion (p. 27): "The relativity theory as a whole is mistaken as a system of the description of reality, both in its methods and in its results."

(G.O. Mueller)


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by Helmut Hansen

Pages: 230
Publisher: Freie Universitaet Berlin
Year: 2009
ISBN: 9783837098518

Websites: edocs.fu-berlin.de/docs/receive/FUDOCS_document_000000002486

Als Michelson und Morley 1887 zwei Lichtstrahlen in ihrem Interferometer um die Wette laufen liefen, erwarteten sie eine Differenz in der Laufzeit beider Lichtstrahlen. Sie hofften auf diese Weise die Bewegung der Erde durch den Aether nachweisen zu koennen in der Ueberzeugung, dass der Aether, welcher als allgegenwaertiger Grund aller Dinge angenommen wurde, existierte. Doch die erwartete Differenz blieb aus. In welche Richtung auch immer sie ihren Interferometer drehten, die Geschwindigkeit beider Lichtstrahlen war unabhaengig von der Bewegung des Beobachters - stets dieselbe. In Verbindung mit der bis dahin bereits bekannten Unabhaengigkeit der Lichtgeschwindigkeit von der Geschwindigkeit der Lichtquelle avancierte dieses Phaenomen der doppelten Konstanz der Lichtgeschwindigkeit zu dem groessten Raetsel der Physik des ausgehenden 19. Jahrhunderts - bis ein junger Patentbeamter III. Klasse namens Albert Einstein zeigte, wie man unter Verzicht auf den Aether zu einer sehr einfachen Loesung dieses Raetsels gelangen konnte. Er behauptete, dass die doppelte Konstanz der Lichtgeschwindigkeit ihre Ursache in ein- und demselben Prinzip hatte dem Relativitaetsprinzip. Obwohl durch dieses Prinzip die Mechanik und Elektrodynamik vereinheitlicht werden konnte, so beinhaltete diese Loesung, die uns heute als die Spezielle Relativitaetstheorie bekannt ist, eine so tiefgreifende Modifikation der Begriffe von Raum und Zeit, dass sie bis heute das Gefuehl von Eigenartigkeit vermittelt. Das vorliegende Buch schildert, wie durch die archetypische Struktur des Mandalas diese Eigenartigkeit im Herzen unseres naturwissenschaftlichen Weltbildes ueberwunden werden kann. Es zeigt, warum diese Struktur gerade aufgrund ihrer Doppelgestalt von Kreis und Quadrat die Moeglichkeit eroeffnet, das einstige Raetsel um die doppelte Konstanz der Lichtgeschwindigkeit auf eine sehr viel entzerrtere Weise erklaeren zu koennen.Diese Struktur ist von einer solchen Schoenheit und Eleganz, dass sie, so die Ueberzeugung des Autors, das Potenzial in sich birgt, unser Bild vom Universum und uns selbst nachhaltig zu veraendern. - Amazon

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by Helmut Hansen

Pages: 136
Publisher: Windpferd
Year: 2007
ISBN: 3893855254
ISBN: 978-3893855254


Ein Mandala ist ein geometrisches Muster von einzigartiger Schoenheit und Symmetrie. Es gilt nach tibetisch-buddistischer Auffassung als Kosmogramm. Es ist eine zweidimensionale Darstellung des Universums, so wie es aus erleuchteter Sicht erscheint.

Das vorliegende Buch schildert, wie dieser universelle Archetypus mit Hilfe der Theorie des genialen Physikers Albert Einstein als Bauplan einer neuen und revolutionaeren Physik identifiziert werden konnte. In dieser neuen Physik ist die Lichtgeschwindigkeit nicht mehr jene ultimative Geschwindigkeitsbarriere, die sie noch heute darstellt.


This books tells how the introduction of an Infinite Velocity into Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity led surprisingly to the archetypal structure of the Mandala. In the book it is reported how this structure was discovered and why it could be a highly meaningful code that describes how space and time could be organized at the most fundamental level of the Universe.

Science author Helmut Hansen to his surprise was struck by the composition of the mandala while seeking the unique structure of the Universe. In the process of deciphering this more that two thousand year old Buddhist design he recognized that the mandala hides within it the possibility of proving scientifically the existence of the divine. While this discovery presupposes a systematic argument with Einsteins theory of relativity, Helmut Hansen is convinced that he has found within the mandala a secret blueprint for the physical universe.

In this gripping study the author shows what far-reaching physical and technological consequences such a physics of the mandala might have, even if today, it is still in its infancy. It would allow a deeper insight into the nature of the speed of light and indicate a way in which we could travel to the stars at a speed greater than that of light.

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by Wilhelm Fritsche

Pages: 179
Publisher: Selbstverl.
Year: 1963

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by Walter Theimer

Pages: 200
Publisher: Mahag, Graz / Francke, Bern und M?nchen
Year: 1977/2005
ISBN: 3900800022
ISBN: 978-3900800024
ISBN: 3772012604

Eine wissenschaftliche, jedoch jedem Gebildeten verst?nd-liche Darstellung der Relativit?tstheorie Einsteins. In diesem Buch ist auch die Kritik der letzten 50 Jahre, besonders die zunehmende neuere, verarbeitet, die in den meisten Darstel-lungen der Relativit?tstheorie zu kurz kommt. Die philo- sophischen Aspekte der Theorie Einsteins werden ebenso behandelt wie die physikalischen. Insbesondere wird die lo-gische Struktur der Relativit?tstheorie untersucht. Auf dem Hintergrund der Kritik wird Einsteins Theorie verst?ndlich.---Dieses 200 Seiten starke Taschenbuch, dem seinerzeit keingro?er Erfolg beschieden war, ist einer der lesenswertestenkritischen Texte zur Relativit?tstheorie in deutscher Sprache,die in der j?ngeren Zeit verfa?t worden sind; die Ber?cksich-tigung von Lehre-Wirkung-Kritik ist vorbildlich f?r eine wis-senschaftliche Darstellung. - Georg Galeczki & Peter Marquardt

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by Reiner Georg Ziefle

Pages: 128
Publisher: Frieling Verlag Berlin
Year: 2002
ISBN: 3828017789
ISBN: 978-3828017788

Websites: www.arminwitt.de/ziefle.html

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by Gottfried Anger, Paul Wesley, Hans Kaegelmann

Pages: 64
Publisher: Argo / Verlag Kritische Wissenschaft
Year: 2005
ISBN: 3937987215
ISBN: 978-3937987217
ISBN: 3925914331
ISBN: 978-3925914331

3. Band des Gesamtwerkes von 80 Autoren u.a. Philosophen, Mathematikern, Physikern, Technikern und Aerzten geschrieben: Die Urknalltheorie ist falsch und ist damit bereits die zweite, als anerkannt geltende physikalische Theorie, neben der Relativitaetstheorie, die wissenschaftlich korrekt faellt: Die Rotverschiebungen verschiedener Strahlungsobjekte verhalten sich nicht so zueinander, wie sie sich verhalten muessten, wenn sie durch eine als Urknall bezeichnete Explosion erfolgteAuseinanderbewegungen diverser Strahlungsobjekte entstanden waeren. Dies ist durch andere Moeglichkeiten widerspruchsfrei erklaerbar.

Other authors: Gerd Duering & Helmut Soeder.

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by Edward Henry Dowdye

Pages: 110
Publisher: Edward Henry Dowdye, Jr.
Year: 1991/ 2001
ISBN: 0963447157
ISBN: 978-0963447159

The published treatise on the Extinction Shift Principle is the Principal Axioms that describe the correct application of Galilean Transformations of Velocities in Euclidean Space Geometry. The Exinction Shift Principle, {German: L?schverschiebungsprinzip}; an expression coined by this author, leads directly to the solutions to the problems responsible for the success and fame of both Special and General Relativity. The solutions are obtained using solely pure classical fundamental and principal axioms in the frame work of Euclidian Space Geometry without having to resorting to Relativity.
  • For the very first time in Classical Physics, an emission theory leads to exact solutions to important problems in Gravitation and Electromagnetism in consistency with modern observations in Astrophysics.  {Refereed Paper: "Time resolved images from the center of the Galaxy appear to counter General Relativity", Dowdye, Jr., E.H., Astronomische Nachrichten, Volume 328, Issue 2, February 2007, pp. 186-191. Abstract: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2007AN....328..186D   Full length text:  http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/search/allsearch
  • This emission theory has lead to singnificant findings on the understanding of gravitational lensing; finding in astrophysical observations that are counter to General Relativity.

The Exinction Shift Principle provides a pure classical explanation for the so-called gravitational redshift, gravitational light bending, time dilation, Mercury perihelion drift, PSR1913+16 perihelion drift, the invariance of the wave equations as well as a pure classical and intuitive explanation for the optical gyroscope and the Sagnac Effect. (The "Sagnac Effect-link" are the details refering to prevailing misconceptions and serious omissions in the modern physical science texts key fundamentals which have been practically forgotten by modern researchers.)

It is seen that the effect known as Sagnac is a direct consequence of the rectilinear nature which all electromagnetic radiation, packets of waves or photons move from interfering optical element to interfering optical element, each belonging to and rigidly attached to a rotating platform; an important principle of optics that is virtually forgotten by all too many researchers in this discipline.

The Extinction Shift Principle, the emission theory of Dowdye, is the tip-off and has lead to significant findings pertaining to misapplications of important Mathematical Physics fundamentals pertaining to the subject matter of Gravitational Lensing. (The "Gravitational Lensing-link" link refers to details, important papers, refereed publications and press releases on these significant findings.)


The papers pertaining to gravitational lensing, published in REFEREED JOURNALS, are treatises on the FLAWS and the Significant Findings on the light bending rule of General Relativity. The published FINDINGS in the refereed papers do not mention anything at all about the Extinction Shift Principle, i.e., the emission theory of Dowdye. It is important to note that the Book on the Principal Axioms of the Extinction Shift Principle served as the very tip-off that lead to the Significant Findings on the light bending rule of General Relativity; findings that were accepted the referees of the renown journal.

The Extinction Shift Principle is applied to both Gravitation and Electromagnetism

  • For the very first time, a pure classical theory successfully demonstrates solutions in Euclidean Space Geometry under Galilean transformations to both electromagnetism and gravitation.
  • Astrophysical Phenomena are found to be consistent and in complete agreement with the predictions of the Extinction Shift Principle and are found to counter the predictions of General Relativity.

Extinction Shift Principle Illustrated; Some Classical Alternatives equivalent to Special and General Relativistic Principles

  • Invariance of the Wave Equation
  • Optical Gyroscopes
  • Sagnac Effect
  • Convection
  • Effective Mass {as opposed to Relativistic Mass}
  • Transverse Relative Time {as opposed to Time Dilation}
  • Mercuary Perihelion Drift
  • PSR1913+16 Perihelion Drift


Effectivity versus Relativity

Glossary of Terms

Notes and Reference

Appendix of Additional Manuscripts

  • Aberrational Effect
  • Sagnac Effect {Proof of Galilean Transformation, Rectilinear Motion of Photon}
  • Gravitational Redshift & Solar Light Bending
  • Nullified Experiments in Optic & Principal Axioms of the Extinction Shift Principle Applied

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by Jos Harm Boersema

Pages: 54
Year: 2002

Einstein has been a stumbling block for progress in light theory for almost one century. If we use the first Michelson Morley experiment (MMX), science has failed to accept physical evidence proving light's medium to be co-moving with the Earth for 121 years now. First Lorentz' Ether Theory (LET) was invented, to hang on to the rigid aether (light medium), to be shortly superseded by relativity, an absurd variation on it. LET is a no-physical-causes "math-trickery" theory, relativity is even self contradictory, which is to be proven by this "paper". Often it is claimed that the "dragged light-medium" theories (the light medium, whatever it is, locally co-moving with the Earth) cannot explain "stellar aberration" (starlight is refracted towards the direction of motion of the Earth), however three physical solutions are proposed (see appendix and chapter 24). Furthermore the mystical duality of light - particle and wave - is probably solved in favor of waves in appendix 3, making the case for a classical wave theory. But the main point of this paper is to provide enough inescapable proof that relativity is a self-contradiction, and therefore formally disproven.

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by Henri Louis Bergson, Herbert Dingle

Pages: 190
Publisher: Bobbs-Merrill (Library of Liberal Arts)
Year: 1965

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by Valeri V. Dvoeglazov

Pages: 184
Publisher: C. Roy Keys Inc. (Apeiron)
Year: 2006
ISBN: 0973291133
ISBN: 978-0973291131

Websites: redshift.vif.com/BookBlurbs/EinsteinPoincare.htm

Seminal contributions to the development of modern physics were made by two figures, Einstein and Poincar?, in the early years of the 20th century. Both are associated with the mathematical development of relativity. However, their ideas have also influenced modern researchers working to understand the role of the physical vacuum. This collection of essays represents a milestone in the development of a theory of plenum in physics.

This book is dedicated to significant contributions made to physics by Poincar? and Einstein 100 years ago. As we celebrate the International Year of Physics, we might ask: Is Physics in good health? Everyone has his own answer to this simple question. Consequently, we decided to publish this book under the intriguing title ?Einstein and Poincar?: the physical vacuum.? The reader may be puzzled by the choice of theme, which would seem to have been fully studied years ago. We fully sympathize with him: it was and is indeed astonishing for us that after more than 100 years of research the topic is still full of surprises. In a way, it has a life of its own. The highly respected authors of this volume appear to have agreed with us in presenting their thoughtful pieces of research. These are Profs. Vigier, Duffy, Selleri, Kholmetskii, Barbosa, Sidharth, Munera, Onoochin and Weber, Pierseaux, Cahill, Krasnoholovets, Martin and Roscoe. Special thanks to them all! While their papers speak for themselves, I feel compelled to say few words for myself.


  • Editorial Introduction
  • Jean-Pierre Vigier, Interactions of Internal Inertial and Phase Space Motions of Extended Particle Elements Moving in Dirac?s Real ?Aether? Model
  • M. C. Duffy, The Ether Concept in Modern Physics
  • F. Selleri, Absolute Velocity Resolution of the Clock Paradox
  • Alexander L. Kholmetskii, Empty Space-Time and the General Relativity Principle
  • L. C. Barbosa, Temporal Light Dispersion in Intergalactic Space
  • B. G. Sidharth, The Mysterious Dark Energy
  • H?ctor A. M?nera, The Evidence for Length Contraction at the Turn of the 20th Century: Non-existent
  • Vladimir Onoochin & Stefan von Weber, On the Size of Moving Rigid Bodies Determined from Conditions of Equilibrium of Ions in a Crystalline Lattice
  • Yves Pierseaux, Einstein?s Spherical Wavefronts versus Poincar??s Ellipsoidal Wavefronts
  • Reginald T. Cahill, The Einstein Postulates: 1905-2005 A Critical Review of the Evidence
  • Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, The Tessellattice of Mother-Space as a Source and Generator of Matter and Physical Laws
  • Adolphe Martin, Gravitation in a Gaseous Ether
  • D. F. Roscoe, Maxwell?s Equations: New Light on Old Problems

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by Maurice B. Cooke

Pages: 133
Publisher: Marcus Books
Year: 1983
ISBN: 0919951007
ISBN: 978-0919951006

Einstein Doesn't Work Here Anymore is one of the most unusual books you will ever read. It is the fruit of seven year of research and theoretical investigation by the author and two of his leagues - all of whom have been involved in various branches of physics for most of their adult lives.

the ideas offered here represent a radical departure from conventional thinking, and will elicit howls of protest from the 'old guard' of scientific establishment. Were it not for the fact that the experimetns described in this book show results which simply cannot be explained by orthodox science, the theoretical material might well be dismissed by anyone with a modicum of scientific education. Yet the experimetns are real, and can be repeated easily at relativiely little cost.

This book is a challenge to orthodoxy. The gauntlet has been thrown down. It is now for the defenders of the scientific mainstream either to explain the experimental results in terms of orthodox theories, or to admit that conventional science is sadly lacking in its ability to interpret the real world. In light of the material in this book, amny cherished notions of 20th century physics fall like ten-pins. Here is the casuality list:

  • the second law of Thermodynamics
  • the particle theory of light
  • the conventional explanation of the galactic 'Redshift'
  • the idea that the inert gases are 'inert'
  • the notion that space is empty
  • the standard view of radioactivity
  • the accepted theory of diseases
    • ... the list goes on and on.

In these pages you will find not only the thoeretical reasoning which led to the author's unorhtodox conclusions, but detailed, step-by-step instructions for building simple apparatus to demonstrate the existence of the inert gas energy fields. The last third of the book summarizes a number of medical case histories in which the inert gas fields were used - with surprising and encouraging results.

The book is not for everyone. Its appeal is to those who do not feel threatened by new concepts, and who can contemplate the demise of an entire theoretical framework and see only the thrill of advancing yet another step closer to the final truth of reality.

Read this book if you dare to. - Back cover

Odd Books - Critical review

View count: 1
by Jorge C. Cur

Pages: 411
Publisher: et al Organization
Year: 2002
ISBN: 0971387303
ISBN: 978-0971387300

In 1905, Einstein set the scientific community on an innovative and, at the time, controversial course abandoning the Newtonian concept of space and time and upholding the Maxwell-Lorentz electrodynamics. Was this a leap forward or has the 20th century followed a misleading course?

In a thoroughly readable and exhaustively philosophical analysis, backed by rigorous mathematical arguments, Jorge C. Cur? places Einstein's conceptions on historic scrutiny. By unifying the Newtonian and classical relativistic conceptions of nature, he establishes a New Physics. A fitting revolution for the new millennium.

View count: 1
by Petr Beckmann

Pages: 212
Publisher: Golem Press
Year: 1987
ISBN: 0911762396
ISBN: 978-0911762396

Websites: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petr_Beckmann

Arguably more than any other book, Einstein Plus Two helped launch the dissident revolution of the 1990s.  As a consequence of this book, Beckmann founded Galilean Electrodynamics in 1990, a time when several other dissident journals made their start.  Beckmann's concept of the relativity principle without Einsteinian observer dependence serves as the major unifying theme.  It stresses the idea of motion with respect to the local field rather than to the observer of special relativity theory.

The book is divided into three sections: Einstein Plus Zero, One and Two.  In Einstein Plus Zero, Beckmann reexamines the historic experiments of Bradley, Fresnel, Fizeau, Airy, and of course, Michelson with Morley and Gale, and shows how understanding motion with respect to the local field makes sense of them all.  In Einstein Plus Zero, he considers quantization of electron orbits, electromagnetic mass, the meaning of Planck's constant and the Schr?dinger Equation from a proper understanding of central motion.  Finally in Einstein Plus Two, the large questions of gravitation, Mercury's perihelion, the Titius-Bode Series and inertia are addressed.

"There is so much to enjoy in this book. If you get your hands on this book, even for a moment, at least read the preface and the introduction. They are brilliant and short. His 'Grandiose Theory of the Railroad Track' shows Beckmann's humor and his insight. I also love Mr. Beckmann's simple statement that 'a theory that does not recognize the equality of action and reaction cannot, without apology, invoke the conservation of momentum.'" [p.77] - Larry Koler, Amazon


View count: 1
by Mendel Sachs

Pages: 322
Publisher: Open Court Publishing Co.
Year: 1988
ISBN: 0812690656
ISBN: 978-0812690651
ISBN: 0812690648
ISBN: 978-0812690644

Websites: www.compukol.com/mendel en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mendel_Sachs

Einstein Versus Bohr is unlike other books on science written by experts for non-experts, becuase it presents the history of science in terms of problems, conflicts, contradictions, and arguments.

Science normally "keeps a tidy shop window but a messy workshop."  Professor Mendel Sachs breaks with convention by taking us into the theoretical workshop, giving us a problem-oriented account of modern physics, an account which concentrates on underlying concepts and debate.  This book contains mathematical explanations, but is so designed that the whole argument can be followed with the math omitted.

Professor Sachs's story begins with classical and nineteenth-centruy physics, decribes the early discoveries in particle theory, and introduces the "old" quantum theory which evolved into the quantum mechanics of the Copenhagen School.

Such important ideas as the Einstein Photon Box Experiment, the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox, and the Schr?dinger's Cat Paradox are clearly expounded, followed by a completely fresh explanation of relativity in conceptual terms. showing how apparent paradoxes can be removed by Einstein's own interpretation, especially that of his later years.

Professor Sachs gives a detailed comparison of the fundamentals of the quantum and relativity theories, suggesting how the contradictions might be resolved.  In an epilogue, he makes suggestions, with reference to religious notions, Taoism, and Buber's theory of I-Thou, for generalizing Einstein's approach beyond physics.

320 (51 to 75) << 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 >>

Scientists (242)

Professor of Physics
Ottawa Ontario

Books (320)

by Dr. Jean Pierre Vigier, Stanley Jeffers (Editor), Bo Lehnert (Editor), Nils Abraham (Editor), Lev Chebotarev (Editor)
Pages: 291
Publisher: C. Roy Keys Inc. (Apeiron)
Year: 2000