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Dr. Andrej Poleev
local time: 2024-12-03 17:18 (+01:00 )
Dr. Andrej Poleev (About)
CNPS Member
Interests: Metascience, Psychoanalysis, Molecular Biology, Neurobiology, Octology, Cosmology Age: 54

Andrej Poleev is a russian scientist-polymath and author of several books written in Russian and German.

Andrej Poleev was born 30 September 1965 in a russian town Novotroizk. After 10 years of compulsory scholar education, he successfully completed a 5 years study at the Leningrad State University. An academic degree of biologist was conferred 1988. His professional career began 1989 at the Institute of Obstetric and Gynecology in Leningrad (since 1991 renamed to St. Petersburg). In 1991, he moved to Salzburg (Austria), where he worked at the Institute of Molecular Biology. From 1993 to 2003 he worked as a scientist at different biomedical research institutes in Germany. The academic degree of PhD in biology was awarded 1995 at the Institute of Genetics and Breeding of farming animals (St.Petersburg-Pushkin) based on a doctoral thesis on the genomic organization of human PAX8 gene. In 2003, he founded an internet journal Enzymes, where he develops the theory of metascience.

Андрей Полеев родился 30.09.1965 в г. Новотроицке Оренбургской области. С 1983 по 1988 г. обучался в Ленинградском Государственном Университете на биолого–почвенном факультете. Затем работал в научно–исследовательских иститутах в России, Австрии и Германии. Специалист в области генетики, молекулярной биологии, нейробиологии, психоанализа, языкознания, филологии немецкого языка и литературы, политики, правоведения, философии, истории. С 2003 г. издаёт журнал Enzymes, в котором развивает теорию метанаучного познания (theory of metascience).