Date: 2009-08-01 Time: 07:00 - 09:00 US/Pacific (1 decade 5 years ago)
America/Los Angeles: 2009-08-01 07:00 (DST)
America/New York: 2009-08-01 10:00 (DST)
America/Sao Paulo: 2009-08-01 11:00
Europe/London: 2009-08-01 14:00
Asia/Colombo: 2009-08-01 19:30
Australia/Sydney: 2009-08-02 01:00 (DST)
Where: Online Video Conference
This video conference used DimDim, now a private company.
The meeting can be replayed by clicking this link:
watch the meeting recording
With a structure for the photon, I find that nature creates the basic electron, positron, electron type neutrino and muon neutrino pair, automatically and precisely. It is shown that all of the precision, that we see in nature, occurs at this interface between energy and matter. The given basic leptons are the final decay particles for all composite particles (except for the composite proton) experimentally. The use of wavelengths as particle structure sizes results in scaling to the mass ratios of the proton and neutron precisely. The new structures for the nucleons reveals that their magnetic moments have a damping loss when measured by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques, and that this damping loss is due to a restrained tipping motion of exactly 11.84700415 degrees. The published nmr magnetic moment can be obtained to within 33ppm. Further, using the quadratic to calculate the nucleon magnetic moments, from the binding energy of the deuteron, the nucleon deduced undamped magnetic moments, are verified, as independent proof that the proton and neutron structures are correct. With the new found ability to calculate nuclei binding energy, will be demonstrated to show that (for instance) two protons and three neutrons are unstable against decay into an alpha particle and a neutron. Or that beryllium 8 is unstable against decay into two alpha particles, and nothing else.
See also an alternate presentation of From the Photon to Atoms.