Unified Field Theory: Using Subjective Response to Psi-Plasma for Analysis of Properties, Neutral Charge, Plasma Fields. Research Book (Buy Now)
This book begins with an investigation into certain subjective responses of people recorded by investigators to determine the reality of the effects. Gallimore next does an extensive comparative analysis of the properties of Od and Orgone. Chapters include: Baron Von Reichenbach: Properties of Odic Force, Wilhelm Reich: Properties of Orgone Energy, Other Investigators: Properties, Ordering of Properties, Commentary on Properties: Electrical & Physics Parameters, Similarity to Hypothesis of Proposed Theorems, Physics the \"lost\" Vector, Effects of Magnetism: The Od Force, Baron Von Reichenbach, Conclusion: Letters on Od & Magnetism; O\'Byrne, Odic Light in Modified External Conditions of the magnet; Baron Von Reichenbach, Wilhelm Reich.