It is well known that classical electrodynamics is riddled with internal inconsistencies springing from the fact that it is a linear, Abelian theory in which the potentials are unphysical. This volume offers a self-consistent hypothesis which removes some of these problems, as well as builds a framework on which linear and nonlinear optics are treated as a non-Abelian gauge field theory based on the emergence of the fundamental magnetizing field of radiation, the B(3) field.
- Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with One Fermion
- The Field Equations of Classical O(3)b Electrodynamics
- Origin of Electrodynamics in the General Theory of Gauge Fields
- Nonlinear Propagation in O(3)b Electrodynamics: Solitons and Instantons
- Physical Phase Effects in O(3)b Electrodynamics
- Quantum Electrodynamics and the B(3) Field
- Quantum Chaos, Topological Indices and Gauge Theories
- Field Theory of O(3)b QED and Unification with Weak and Nuclear Interactions
- Potential Applications of O(3)b QED
- Duality and Fundamental Problems
Readership: Graduate and undergraduates in physics (electromagnetism), differential geometry & topology, electrical & electronic engineering, theoretical & physical chemistry, chaos and dynamical systems.
"? beginners may benefit from the exhaustive references to the literature of contemporary workers in the field." -- Zentralblatt MATH