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FuturePossible Energy/Paradigm Revolutions from Ultra-cold Matter and nanoscience discoveries: historical context of current research and overview of developing trends

Donald Reed
Year: 2013

In the last three decades, the confluence of two streams of research have resulted in some of the most heretofore unknown innovative, energy-transformative and potential paradigm-shifting developments in the history of science and technology. These are due to both the fruits of the nano-science revolution and those stemming from ultra-cold matter applications as exemplified by the Bose-Einstein condensate. Through examining a wealth of specific research results from each of these areas, some of surprisingly serendipitous nature, this paper will attempt to show that many of the discoveries that have been made in these arenas point to possible new understanding of the quantum engine that underpins physical reality, and its relationship to electromagnetism and gravitation at both microscopic and large-scale regimes of nature. It is hoped that ultimately this new knowledge will subsequently also guide us in achieving the coveted goal in our quest to harvest energy from the quantum vacuum.