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The Recycling Universe

Bob Ticer
Year: 2011 Pages: 4
The Recycling Universe is similar to Steady State Cosmology except that it is neither assumed to be finite nor expanding. The Hubble Constant relates instead to a loss of energy in similar manner of the tired light' theory proposed by Lyndon Ashmore. His theory entails a quantum loss of energy absorbed by plasma in intergalactic space. The absorption of light energy is in proportion to the energy of the photon absorbed and reemitted, as according to the probability conditions of quantum principles. The captured energy becomes an increasing cosmic microwave background radiation. In the Recycling Universe the CMBR constitutes a recycling process. There is a Doppler shift from relative motion and gravity of light interacting with plasma and matter that results in the gravitational effect itself. In addition, the plasma in intergalactic space absorbs the CMBR for replacing galaxies and stars that burn out of existence.