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Somme Remarks About Starlight Aberration

Roald C. Maximo
Year: 2010 Pages: 2
Many physicists still do not accept the obvious conclusion that (c + v) and (c - v) are valid solutions when applied to moving observers. There are actually well known experimental proofs to validate those expressions. Besides the Sagnac effect, one experiment that has been hidden and given no publicity was a measurement of the orbital periods of the Jovian satellite (Io) performed by Ole C. R?mer that shows just such a velocity composition as the Earth approaches the planet or recedes in its orbit. [1] But, perhaps due to the pervading lato sensu interpretation of the second postulate of the Special Theory of Relativity in connection with the currently generalized opinion that any physical theory, to be valid, must conform to the TR, many physicists are reluctant to accept it. Whenever such a situation arises, they are eager to draw the Lorentz transformation from their pockets and apply it in some way to alleviate the discomfort.