Year: 2010 Pages: 4
Inspired by Kantor's claims[ ] to have measured effects validating emission theory, in 1986 Fritz K. Preikschat and this author set out to test emission theory using a high speed (corner cube) mirror in a high vacuum (to eliminate extinction effects as predicted by Ewald-Oseen's extinction theorem). This optical test used a He-Ne laser, pulsed in synchronism with the speed of rotation of the mirror. The reflected return beam was split into two parts, both going the full length of an evacuated 30' length of a drift tube, and continuing through separate, stationary glass slides, one located at the entrance to, the other at the exit of, the drift tube. The wave fronts of the two parts were then compared in an interferometer. The test was inconclusive because the rotor was not stable enough to allow longer term measurements.
At this stage, it appears that no laboratory test performed in high vacuum has yet exclusively tested the effects of light emitted from a high speed source. The author will suggest potential avenues for future test work.