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Theoretical and Experimental Research on Field Propulsion Using the Developments of the BSM-Supergravitation Unified Theory

Stoyan Sarg
Year: 2010 Pages: 4
The Basic Structures of Matter - Supergravitation Unified Theory (BSM-SG) is based on an alternative space concept. The developed models provide a vision for the possible material structure of the elementary particles and the underline superfine structure of the physical vacuum called a Cosmic Lattice (CL). The properties of the CL elementary node and its interaction with the elementary particles gives a clue for the relation between the gravity and inertia from one side and the electric and magnetic fields from the other. The mass appears to be not equivalent to matter but its measurable parameter, so it could be changed by proper modulation of the parameters of the physical vacuum. BSM-SG predicts an unique gravito-inertial effect which was verified by some experiments and was called Stimulated Anomalous Reaction of Gravity (SARG). It is activated by a Heterodyne Resonance Method invoking Quantum Mechanical interactions between oscillating ion-electron pairs and the space-time continuum. The SARG effect occurs in properly activated neutral plasma from selected gas substance. It could be used for development of a new technology for space drive method called Field Propulsion that could be used for interplanetary travels.