The Nature of Gravitation
Year: 2009 Pages: 13
Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation in 1665 after observing the fall of the legendary apple. Einstein's General Relativity in 1916 linked the gravitational field with the curvature of, and gravity waves with the ripples in, the 4-dimensional spacetime continuum. In Unified Theory gravitation is an interactive attraction of the test mass-body with the ambient sharmon medium and through it with all other mass-bodies, the gravitational mass of the elementary cosminos (positrino & negatrino) composing the mass bodies as well as the sharmons of the sharmon medium thus serve as both the cause and mediator of the gravitostatic force and field operating within and through the sharmon medium. Every mass body is composed by electrons, protons & neutrons each having 1020-23 cosmino-sharmon constituents thereby allowing for inherent compositional fluctuations via emission and absorption of small cosmino-sharmon units. The 1.6x10-33 cm diameter sharmons of the sharmon medium pass through inter-atomic spaces and between orbital electrons to enter a mass-body for intimate gravitational interaction between the cosminos composing the mass-body and the surrounding sharmon medium and through it with all other mass-bodies. Action-at-a-distance is thus ruled out. The gravitational wave energy comprising 0-spin sharmons is propagated as a Wave-Quantum UNIT of one cycle and one wavelength length in the sharmon medium via contiguous mechanism through 2-spin gravitons, which do not move from their mean positions but provide a physical carrier. Since 0-spin sharmons compose all forms of neutral mass and energy the identity of gravitational and inertial masses follows naturally. General-relativity's equation for bending of light in a gravitational field is re-deduced from sharmon medium.