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Three Major Errors in Relativity and Cosmology

Roberto A. Monti
Year: 2000
Keywords: Relativity, Cosmology, Theory of Relativity, electromagnetic measurements of the speed of light, kinematic measurements of the speed of light, interferometric experiments, cosmology, electric conducti
It is time to make clear three major misinformations commonly taught in schools and universities all over the world:
  1. The Michelson-Morley-Miller experiments have never given a "null result",contrary to what is commonly stated in most physics textbooks.
  2. The experimental results of the solar eclipse of 1919 never "proved" Einstein's theory of (General) Relativity.
  3. The "difference"between the Newtonian and the Einsteinian deflection of a beam of light was never "confirmed" after 1919. On the contrary in 1960 experimental results by Pound and Rebka showed that the energy (or mass) of light is subject to Newtonian gravitation in the same way as ordinary matter.
  4. The "Big Bang" never occurred. Experimental evidence shown by Hubble and Nemst proved clearly that the Universe is not expanding. This result has always been confirmed by astrophysical data and elementary physics.