Can a Matter-Wave Interferometer Detect Translational Speed?
Year: 2008 Pages: 5
Based only on the Galilean addition of velocities and the de Broglie relation, it is deduced that in a matter-wave interferometer with slow-speed particles, a moving segment of deltaL with a velocity V contributes deltaPhi = (2Pi/vlamda)VdotdeltaL to the total phase difference of the interferometer, where v is the speed of the particles and lamda is the wavelength.. This expression is exactly the same as the generalized Sagnac effect for light waves found by experiments except that v is replaced by c. For a rotational motion, it leads to the Sagnac effect. Additionally, the scientific value of this relationship is also to explore the possibility of detecting translation speeds by a matter-wave interferometer. Two configurations of the experimental setup have been indicated and the key element is that the paths of the interfering beams constitute a loop with an opening. If the possibility is confirmed by experiments, the conclusions will be that there is a preferred reference frame for matter waves and a speedometer with a very high sensitivity is possible.