Genuine Subharmonic Equations to Replace Those of Schr?dinger and Dirac
Year: 1999
Keywords: Subharmonic Equations, Schr?dinger Equation, Dirac Equation
The most challenging unsolved problem of physics of this century is the question of where the electrons are located in the atoms and how they "behave". The solution is presented via a new atom model, created in the nineties of our century. This model does, for being calculable, not need the nonsense of "quantum mechanics" of the twenties. For it, classical (Newtonian) mechanics is absolutely adequate. We confine the investigation to monovalent elements. Even here we have three different conditions: metallic atoms or molecules, nonmetallic (or insulator) ones, and the H/H2 case. This requires three different equations, which are obtained as the second derivatives of locus functions of time. Analytical integration yields the first derivative, the Schrodinger equation alike. The new (subharmonic) differential equations differ from Schrodinger's insofar as the right hand side is under a square root sign. The next integration in each case is numerical. Results are presented.