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The Laws of Space and Observation: A Unified Theory

James P. Siepmann
Year: 2002 Pages: 7
Keywords: Observational physics, energy, space, special relativity, general relativity, time, law, gravity, black hole, density, mass, density

Observational Physics is a new theory which goes back and corrects the errors that were originally made in special and general relativity, to create a working unified theory. Observational Physics is based upon the concepts that the universe is composed of energy of four different forms, time is constant, distance is relative, Space exists as a fourth form of energy, and rather than relative states, there are observed states of which the only true state is that which an object would see itself. To date, this theory has been correct for all macro calculations and it predicts that all black holes will have a true gravitational force of 2.0E8 m/s2 at its horizon. With Observational Physics, gravity can be calculated without a gravitational constant. It is anticipated that Observational Physics will also hold true on a quantum level as it is studied further.