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The INE Database: Review and Status of Reported Innovative Energy Conversion Technologies, Contrasted Using A Consistent R&D Ranking Scales

Patrick G. Bailey
Year: 2001
Keywords: Validation, Ranking scales
A summary review and status is presented of the experiments, motors, generators, devices, and demonstrations that have been reported in the past several years to produce near-unity or over-unity operation. The concepts of free-energy, zero-point energy, and over-unity devices are not new, and many examples of such devices have been built within the last 100 years. The known devices of over 130 researchers and inventors has been catalogued in summary form in the INE Database and is presented on the internet. This database allows a listing of all of the important characteristics for any device or invention of interest to the INE. INE members and the general public can email the data regarding any new or old device of interest to this database. The database and the template file for submitting device data can be found at http://www.padrak.com/ine/DBGUIDE.html. Linked webpages exists for all of the devices sorted by name, and by the inventor's name, and separate webpages exists for each individual device. Two ranking scales have also been developed to contrast and compare all of the devices in this database: one for scientific interest, and one for commercialization interest. The results of both of these rankings are identified and summarized on separate and linked webpages. Additional input is needed for all devices of interest. The database internet files are planned to be made available to only INE members via passwords in the near future. Whether new forms of potential energy can be demonstrated and successfully utilized within the near future for the ultimate benefit of the human race remains to be seen.