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Pages: 258
Publisher: Hampton Roads Publishing Company
Year: 1978/2005
ISBN: 1571744142
ISBN: 978-1571744142
ISBN: 0440056888

Mind-Reach: Scientists Look at Psychic Abilities (Studies in Consciousness) (Buy Now)

Harold E. Puthoff
Originally published by Delacorte (ISBN 0440056888, 1977, 70,000 sold), Mind-Reach is the book that led to the U. S. Army?s psychic spy program and the subsequent prominence of remote viewing. The protocols that physicists Targ and Puthoff developed at the Stanford Research Institute are still in use today and have proven again and again in laboratory settings that psychic ability is universal. Targ is the author of three recent books with New World Library: Limitless Mind (ISBN 1577314131, 2004), The Heart of the Mind (ISBN 1577311566, 2000), and Miracles of Mind (ISBN 1577310977, 1999, 20,000 sold). Mind-Reach is the eleventh title in Hampton Roads? Studies in Consciousness series.