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Significant Facts Revealed by the EPR Paradox and Bell's Theorem

Dan Brasoveanu
Year: 2011 Pages: 7
The paradox formulated by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen aimed to prove incomplete the description of reality provided by wave functions and the need for additional (hidden) variables, which restore causality and locality in quantum physics. Bell's theorem followed and seemed to prove that unlike the Copenhagen version of Quantum Mechanics, any theory based on hidden variables predicts incorrect outcomes for quantum entanglements. As a result, physicists drew the following conclusions: 1) all deterministic versions of Quantum Mechanics are inherently incorrect 2) quantum particles interact instantaneously across any distance and 3) Quantum Mechanics and the Theory of Relativity are incompatible. But Bell implicitly assumed locality means the angular-momentum of one entangled particle cannot be exactly predicted based on the measurement of the other particle. Simple and unequivocal experiments show Bell's assumption is invalid. Therefore, all three conclusions are wrong. Classical Mechanics, which is strictly deterministic and local, and Quantum Mechanics will merge seamlessly after the revision of the later. Quantum entanglements allow circumventing the uncertainty principle. These are the significant facts revealed by the EPR paradox and Bell's theorem not previous assertions. The overhaul of Quantum Mechanics has to start with three crucial corrections: 1) the assumption that a quantum object exists in a superposition of states must be replaced with the ensemble interpretation of a wave function, 2) the energy of deformation must be included in the Hamiltonian of quantum objects and 3) the term "particle" should be outlawed.