- Expanding Earth and Receding Seas (2011) [Updated 7 years ago]
- Expanding Earth and Receding Seas (2011) [Updated 7 years ago]
Sea Levels have been receding for ages: how long we will never know? All we do know is what we are told by scientists, that sea levels are rising and will continue to rise due to Global Warming. This is debatable as it is my observation that Sea levels will continue to decline. Sea levels around the United States have receded significantly in recent recorded history i.e in the last five hundred years of European occupation. The Island of Manhattan has almost doubled its land size since the Dutch established their colony there in 1621. The recent discovery of a 200 year old hulk of a ship at the Ground Zero site shows that the sea has moved out 1800 feet in 200 years. Another ships hulk discovered on Pearl Street 1000 feet from the sea tells us the same story. Pearl Street fronted on the East River 300 years ago. I site Manhattan in New York as an example because of its high profile. The Phenomenon, however, is not confined to the United States, but is global. Worldwide the sea continues to recede and bequeath new land to us. The Earth is mysterious and has managed to delude us throughout the ages but especially over the last two hundred years since we have become, supposedly, more enlightened. This paper will show the Mysterious historical correlation between Earth Expansion, Receding Seas, and the evolution and development of Ancient Civilizations.