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Gary E. Novak
local time: 2024-04-19 11:34 (-05:00 DST)
Gary E. Novak (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Big Bang Theory - It Gets More Absurd All the Time
    by Gary E. Novak   read the paper:

    Galaxies supposedly moved to their present vicinity in a fraction of a second before the laws of physics began. The big bang does the same things God does, except God does it through the laws of physics, and the big bang doesn?t. Physicists painted themselves into a corner in their incremental development of the big band theory, and it forced them into an extremely absurd end point.

  • The Truth about Relativity
    by Gary E. Novak   read the paper:

    1. The velocity of light is constant. But relative to what? According to physicists, relative to receiving points. But that is an impossibility; and relativity is an attempt to rationalize that impossibility.

    2. Relativity is religion, not science. Physicists admit there is no logic to it. No logic?no science.

    3. It is logic which determines truth, not observations. Observations can be false and misinterpreted, while logic defines universal, objective and natural laws. There is a very basic and extreme contradiction in logic in the claim that the receiving point of light determines the velocity.