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Dr. Walter Rella
local time: 2024-09-12 13:50 (+01:00 )
Dr. Walter Rella (About)
World Science Database Profile
Medical Doctor
Interests: Relativity Age: 75

Walter Rella was born in Feldkirch, Austria. Studied medicine in Vienna and Pamplona (Spain). 1969 Graduation. 1970-1977 Fellow in Cancer Research, Tumor Immunology. ca. 20 papers on the topic. 1978 - 2004 exerted profession as physician.

Rella's papers relate to the field of philosophy and physics. He promotes the idea of the physical vacuum as a dynamical shattering lattice structure in: "Der Schritt in die Analogie" part I, Wr. Jb. f. Philos. (1984), 129-138; part II, Wr. Jb. f. Philos. (1985), 141-158.