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Hossein Javadi
local time: 2024-09-21 04:29 (+03:30 )
Hossein Javadi (About)
World Science Database Profile
Interests: Creation Particle Higgs Theory

I was born in Tehran in 1949. I became familiar with Newton's laws in 1961. Since 1962 I doubted Newton's laws. I did not accept infinite speed and found invalid the laws of gravity and time. I learned Einstein's Relativity, thus I found some answers for my questions. But, I had another doubt of infinitive mass-energy. And I wanted to know why light has a stable speed? Well, I wanted to know the basis of time. Then I asked, is there any event on which time has no effect?

In 1972 I asked myself why at low speeds (v<<c) relativity reduces to classical mechanics? And why for great bodies (solids) quantum mechanics reduces to classic mechanics? Is there any law that could cover relativity, quantum mechanics and classic mechanics? Eventually I believed that we must reconsider the Newton's second law, quantum mechanics and relativity at the same time.

My courage produced a result in 1987, and I introduced The Theory of CPH. After working 25 years, I wrote all of my experiences in some texts and formula. I published the book, Development of Scientific Theories, in 1991 in Persian, propounding CPH Theory in it. According CPH Theory we are able to combine classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, relativity and Higg's particles.


Updated Nov. 24, 2008: A New Definition of Graviton
Updated Jul. 10, 2007: Zero Point Energy and the Dirac Equation Persian Text
Added Jun. 28, 2007: Unification and CPH Theory
Added Jun. 14, 2007: Strong Interaction and CPH Theory
Added Jun. 14, 2007: Summary of Physics Concepts
Added Jun. 4, 2007: Quantum Electrodynamics and CPH Theory
Added Nov. 30, 2006: Vocabulary of CPH Theory
Added Nov. 17, 2006: Thermodynamic Laws, Entropy and CPH Theory
Added Nov. 17, 2006: Time Function and Absolute Black Hole
Added Oct. 14, 2006: CPH and Time Persian Text Only
Added Oct. 13, 2006: Time Function and Work Energy Theorem Persian Text Only
Added Oct. 13, 2006: Properties of CPH Persian Text Only
Added Oct. 13, 2006: CPH Theory and Special Relativity Persian Text Only
Added Oct. 13, 2006: CPH Theory and Newton's Second Law Persian Text Only
Added Jul. 31, 2006: A New Mechanism of Higgs Bosons in Producing Charge Particles Persian Text
Added Mar. 21, 2006: Logical Foundation of CPH Theory Persian Text
Added Mar. 21, 2006: Experimental Foundation of CPH Theory Persian Text
Added Mar. 21, 2006: Definition, Principle and Explanation of CPH Theory Persian Text
Added Mar. 23, 2006: Analysis of CPH Theory Persian Text
Added Apr. 7, 2006: Opinions on CPH Theory Persian Text
Added Apr. 7, 2006: Questions and Answers on CPH Theory Persian Text
Added Apr. 11, 2006: Realization Hawking - End of Physics by CPH Persian Text Only
Added Apr. 12, 2006: Maxwell's Equations in a Gravitational Field Persian Text
Added Apr. 17, 2006: Effective Nuclear Charge Persian Text
Added Apr. 28, 2006: Color Charges Curve Space Persian Text
Added Mar. 19, 2006: Sub-Quantum Chromodynamics
Added Mar. 19, 2006: Color Charge/Color Magnet and CPH
Added May 14, 2006: Speed of Light and CPH Theory Persian Text