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Dr. Peter Marquardt
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Dr. Peter Marquardt (Books)

View count: 1
by Paul Wesley, Peter Marquardt

Pages: 354
Publisher: Benjamin Wesley
Year: 2006
ISBN: 39800942102

The wave-particle problem is resolved by the mathematical isomorphism between hydrodynamics and wave theory. Quantum particles, such as photons for light, yield waves when periodically arrayed with the de Broglie wavelength and translated. Wave equations, such as the Schroedinger equation, are satisfied. Quantum particles, moving along discrete trajectories as functions of time and initial conditions yield double pinhole interference and all other such typical wave behavior. Quantization arises when particles are forced into standing waves. The electrodynamic properties of light are due to electric dipole photons. Photons propagating with fixed time delays account for the behavior of light in absolute moving media.

Absolute space is seen to exist from the fixed stars and from the fact that the velocity of light c with respect to absolute space such that the observed velocity c* = c - v (the absolute velocity of the Earth) as shown by Roemer, Bradley, Sagnac, Conklin, Marinov, and others. The gravitational potential due to the fixed stars Φ0 = c2, is the same everywhere in absolute fixed space. Mass-energy, being gravitational energy mΦ0 = mc2, means the absolute kinetic energy is zero only when stationary in absolute space. The Michelson-Morley result is a classical Doppler effect in absolute space-time.

Gravitation with a finite velocity of action c yields gravity waves and resolves Seeliger's paradox. A cosmological constant β0 in a uniform universe accounts for the cosmological red shift with a Hubble constant H = β0/c, thereby resolving Olber's paradox. The 2.7?K cosmic background radiation is cosmologically red shifted starlight.

Cosmology is based upon an infinite, perpetual, steady-state universe, uniform in the large. A flux of high entropy waste radiated off into deep space forces local entropy reducing processes, such as the condensation of low entropy stars from high entropy gas and dust, or the generation of low entropy life from a high entropy environment. Such ordering occurs only as a local fluctuation of the order of 109 years in time and light years in space. An ordered death as super-massive bodies is avoided when two collide allowing mass to escape from their gravitational traps to again create disorder in gas and dust.

View count: 1
by Georg Galeczki, Peter Marquardt

Pages: 276
Publisher: Haag & Herchen
Year: 1996
ISBN: 3861374846
ISBN: 978-3861374848

Websites: www.helmut-hille.de/publications.html

'Requiem' ist ein treffender Titel f?r dieses Buch ?ber eine Kulttheorie, die seit ihren Anf?ngen von Widerspr?chen geplagt ist. Die Autoren, beide Physiker, zeigen streng wissenschaftlich und doch unterhaltend, da? die Krise der heutigen Physik durch die "spezielle" Relativit?t mitverschuldet wird. Sie weisen aber auch auf Wege aus dieser Sackgasse: F?r die aus dem relativistischen Prokrustes-Bett befreite Physik stehen empirisch korrekte und widerspruchsfreie L?sungen zur Verf?gung. Dynamik, Elektrodynamik, Quantenmechanik und Thermodynamik fordern ein globales ausgew?hltes Bezugssystem, damit Energie- und Impulserhaltung, Strahlung, Sternaberration, Unipolarinduktion, Temperatur usw. konsistent beschrieben werden k?nnen. Galilei hat Recht: Die Erde bewegt sich - sie bewegt sich im absoluten Sinne! Das Buch ist eine aufmunternde Rechtfertigung f?r alle, die nicht einer absurden Lehrmeinung, sondern ihrem gesunden Verstand vertrauen.

English reviews:

This book gives a good overview of arguments against the Special Relativity Theory. Despite a few loose ends and some fuzzy reasoning the authors do a good job convincing the reader that all is not well in SRT land. Reference is made to theoretical and experimental proofs (with a good reference list) against Einstein's interpretation of the relativity theory. But even Lorentz' version of the relativity theory is put in doubt, and some old ("forgotten") and new electrodynamics theories are discussed. A good addition to standard text books, to compensate for their SRT cult!

I felt very confirmed in my own evaluation of special and general relativity. My approach was to use logic and linguistic analysis to arrive at the same conclusions that are derived in the book using experiments, historical and mathematical analyis. The authors are invited to to read my critique and to compare our two approaches. I would like to discuss this with them further. From Annalen Der Physik I received the response - we will not publish or even consider any critique of relativity as the subject is closed for us!