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Dr. Arthur S. Otis
local time: 2024-09-08 07:53 (-04:00 DST)
Dr. Arthur S. Otis (About)
World Science Database Profile
(Died: December 31, 1964)
Age: 78

Arthur Sinton Otis, PhD is best known for the multiple choice intelligence tests he developed for the US Army. As a doctoral student under Lewis Terman in 1917 he developed the group-administered tests titled the Army Alpha (for literates) and the Army Beta (for illiterates). Dr. Otis developed it to improve cost and time efficiency as compared to one developed by Alfred Binet (1857?1911), which was individually administered. Given in multiple-choice format and administered in groups, 1.7 million World War I recruits took the Army Alpha test. The results were published in 1921 and included the relative performance of recruits of different national origins. - Wikipedia Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OLSAT).

Otis worked for the World Book Company in Yonkers, NY.  Though his dissident work, Light Velocity and Relativity (1963), was written just prior to his death, Otis authored several books on education, intelligence, and a variety of fields:

  • An Absolute Point Scale For The Group Measurement Of Intelligence (1920).
  • Statistical Method in Education Measurement (1925).
  • Child Accounting Practice: A Maual of Child Accounting (1929).
  • First Steps in Teaching Number (1929) with John R. Clark & Caroline Hatton.
  • Modern Plane and Solid Geometry (1929) with John R. Clark (rev. of 1905 book).
  • Modern School Arithmetic (1930) with John R. Clark & Caroline Hatton (several Grade Levels).
  • Primary Arithmetic Through Experience (1939) with John R. Clark & Caroline Hatton.
  • Elements of Aeronautics (1941) with Francis Pope.
  • The Airplane Power Plant (1944) with Francis Pope.
  • Added Revenue Without Burden: A New Plan of Taxation (1958).
  • Light Velocity and Relativity (1963).