View count: 1
Pages: 1183
Publisher: Ekkehard Friebe & Jocelyne Lopez
Year: 2004/2009
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Without a doubt the most comprehensive compilation of source material on criticisms of the theory of special relativity, this book is a monument to the dissident heritage of the last 100 years. Anyone who only causually peruses this book cannot deny that thousands of individuals have challenged Einstein's theories, and that no period of time since 1905 has been without the voice of dissidence. A veritable mountain of largely-ignored work has accumulated over the past century, ready to speak to anyone willing to listen. This book, written under the pseudonym G. O. Mueller, serves as a mouthpiece for that voice.
If the full book download is too large (about 5.4 MB), download by individual chapter (kapital):
- Chapter 0: Ueber die absolute Groesse der Speziellen Relativitaetstheorie [The Absolute Size of the Special Theory of Relativity]
- Chapter 1: Einleitung (Das Selbstbildnis der Relativistik usw.) [Introduction (The Self-Portrait of Relativity)]
- Chapter 2: Fehler-Katalog zu beiden Relativitaetstheorien
Englisch Version: Chapter 2 ? Catalogue of Errors for Both Theories of Relativity - Chapter 3: Das Relativitaetsmaerchen und die Fakten [Relativity Tales and Facts]
- Chapter 4: Dokumentation der kritischen Veroeffentlichungen [Documentation of Critical Publications]
Ergaenzung 04/2012: 2394 weitere kritische Ver?ffentlichungen - Chapter 5: Kritische Monographien und Sammelwerke [Critical Monographs and Compilation]
- Chapter 6: Zeitschriften u. a. mit ihren kritischen Aufsaetzen [Magazines and their Critical Essays]
- Chapter 7: Chronologie saemtlicher kritischer Veroeffentlichungen [Chronology of All Critical Publications]
- Chapter 8: Kritische Veroeffentlichungen nach Sprachen [Critical Publications by Language]
- Chapter 9: Das Gedankenexperiment [The Thought Experiment] (2009)
View count: 1
Pages: 51
Publisher: Ekkehard Friebe & Jocelyne Lopez
Year: 2003/2006
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This is an English translation of portions of the larger work, Ueber die absolute Groesse der speziellen Relativitaetstheorie. G. O. Mueller and Karl Kneckebrodt are pseudonyms chosen for the project.
Description of a German research project of international scope, presenting a documentation of 3789 publications criticizing the theory (1908-2003), distributing this documentation to libraries, to the printed media, and to eminent representatives of public opinion, and addressing open letters to the members of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag), and to journals of several German newspapers.