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Dipl. Ing. Ekkehard Friebe
local time: 2024-04-19 20:50 (+01:00 )
Dipl. Ing. Ekkehard Friebe (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • G.O. Mueller - The German Research Project "95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)"? (2013) [Updated 6 years ago]
    by Jocelyne Lopez, Ekkehard Friebe   read the paper:

    Although our anonymous research project is based in Germany it has an international scope covering publications from all countries since 1908 (the year of the first publication critical of relativity). We document the publications and we try to inform the public about the existence of the strong and uninterrupted tradition of criticism.

  • 4th Open Letter on Scientific Freedom for the Critics of the Theories of Relativity Addressed to German-Language Newspapers and Magazines (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ekkehard Friebe   read the paper:

    Translation into English from the German Original of the Open Letter of 19.07.2012 from the G.O. Mueller Research Group Addressed to German-Language Newspapers and Magazines: 4. Offener Brief ?ber Wissenschaftsfreiheit f?r die Kritiker der Relativit?ts-theorien an deutschsprachige Zeitungen und Zeitschriften

    (List of the 45 addressees at the end of the letter in the German original)

  • 4th Open Letter on Scientific Freedom for the Critics of the Theories of Relativity Addressed to German-Language Newspapers and Magazines (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ekkehard Friebe   read the paper:

    Translation into English from the German Original of the Open Letter of 19.07.2012 from the G.O. Mueller Research Group Addressed to German-Language Newspapers and Magazines: 4. Offener Brief ?ber Wissenschaftsfreiheit f?r die Kritiker der Relativit?ts-theorien an deutschsprachige Zeitungen und Zeitschriften

    (List of the 45 addressees at the end of the letter in the German original)

  • 15.07.2011 - Open letter from Ekkehard Friebe to Prof. Dr. Hermann Nicolai, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics / Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam/Golm (2011) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Ekkehard Friebe   read the paper:

    Translation from German:

    15.07.2011 - Open letter from Ekkehard Friebe to Prof. Dr. Hermann Nicolai, Director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics / Albert Einstein Institute in Potsdam/Golm

    Dear Mr. Prof. Dr. Nicolai,

    As a longtime member of the German Physical Society, I have knowledge from the ?Physik Journal?  (4, 2005, No. 10, page 3) of your article "No breeding ground for Einstein's Successor? Theoretical Physics in Germany - a few remarks on the Einstein Year?.

    You wrote:

    "Not only because of the fascination of these questions, I mean, all major universities (and at the forefront of those who for the label" claim elite ") should allow her inquisitive students, at least one entry in the form of introductory lectures - even if the respective research areas lie elsewhere."

    The fascination of inquisitive students for the theory of special relativity, however, could be afflicted by an unusual circumstance that affects the understanding of this theory considerably: the unexplained solution to the famous twin paradox in the scientific community.

    To mark the centenary of the publication of Paul Langevin's famous work "On Space and Time", which later became popularly known as the twin paradox, the U.S. "Natural Philosophy Alliance" (NPA) has initiated a detailed study, which states the amazing result, that after 100 years of scientific development of this famous problem of special relativity, the twin paradox is still unresolved.

    A summary of the findings from this study, accompanied with an open letter to the physics community ist provided by NPA on the Internet with a detailed report:


    Although general agreement exists that the paradox is not a problem and has already found a definitive solution, there is no agreement as to exactly what that solution is, because the physics journals and textbooks present many conflicting solutions to this paradox. Hence, the NPA asked the physics community about selecting a single, definitive solution.

    The international scope of the problem is already documented by the impressive list of signatories, which is performed below the Open Letter. The physics community in Germany as the birthplace of Albert Einstein and the Albert Einstein Institute are in my view in particular obligated, and are   predestined to bring about a solution to this problem.

    Therefore, I would be very grateful, Dear Mr. Prof. Dr. Nicolai, if you would take position on this important issue and if I would get from you a single, definitive solution to the twin paradox.

    I thank you in advance
    Yours sincerely

    Dipl.-Ing. Ekkehard Friebe

    NB: I have today published this Open Letter to you in my website: http://www.kritik-relativitaetstheorie.de/2011/07/offener-brief-von-ekkehard-friebe-an-prof-hermann-nicolai/

  • Bericht ueber die letzten Aktivitaeten des Forschungsgruppe G.O. Mueller (2008) [Updated 1 decade ago]

  • First Open Letter About the Freedom of Science to Some 290 Public Figures, Personalities, Newspapers, and Journals in Europe and the USA (2006) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by G. O. Mueller, Ekkehard Friebe, Jocelyne Lopez   read the paper:

    Ladies and Gentlemen,

    With the enclosed CDROM we wish to inform you about the following facts which are unknown to the general public and therefore will constitute real news for the media:

    1. There is no freedom of research and teaching in theoretical physics, against all appearances and against all established laws and against public conviction to the contrary.
    2. Since 1908 and until this day there exists an uninterrupted tradition of criticism of the special theory of relativity. This criticism has been successfully suppressed and excluded from scientific discourse since about 1922, more or less in all countries.
    3. The suppressed criticism of some 80 years has never been discussed in science and therefore has never been refuted. As a logical consequence, the Special Theory of Relativity remains an unconfirmed hypothesis and has never reached the proclaimed status of the `best confirmed" theory of physics. The many suggested "experimental confirmations" are refuted by the critics as wishful thinking if not accused to be a deception of the public.
    4. We have started a Research Project of international scope based somewhere in Germany which documents all publications critical of the special theory of relativity (including some criticism of general relativity) in all languages and from all countries having been published until 2003 and up to the present (still in the making as an open-ended project). The Research Project is published under the author's pseudonym and the title:
      • G. O. Mueller, 95 Jahre Kritik der Speziellen Relativit?tstheorie (1908-2003) [95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)]
    5. The Research Project has started publication of the documentation in 2001 with the first edition containing the bibliographic data of 2896 publications. The actual second edition of June 2004 contains the data of 3789 publications.
    6. For the start of its international presentation the Research Project has prepared the first English language description of the project under the title:
      • 95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)

  • Die Bedeutung des Forschungsprojekt G.O. Mueller fuer die Zukunftsentwicklung der Physik (2006) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Ekkehard Friebe   read the paper:

  • Math Problems Related to Linear Motion (1990) [Updated 1 decade ago]