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Dr. Hector L Bonilla
local time: 2024-09-20 10:57 (-04:00 DST)
Dr. Hector L Bonilla (About)
CNPS Member
Recycling Engineer
Interests: 5756527629 Age: 71

Creator of the Unified Space Theory, the author is a recycling engineer from Philadelphia. He currently lives in South Dakota. Eng. Bonilla attended Greenfield Community College, Greenfield, Massachusetts, in the 70s, and endeavors in unified space research. Bonilla is in the initial phases of creating the Rising Scientists Elite group. He believes the term "dissident" needs to go and replaced by "Rising." We are Rising Scientists, not dissidents of any sort. Hector is also the leader of a Spanish political group called Pueblos Patriotistas Espanios, and has written a Spanish-language manual called Espania Despierta Gigante!! for the creation of a capitalist state in Spanish-speaking America. There are nineteen Spanish countries in the American Continent. Mr. Bonilla want to unite them into Las Patrias Unidas de America, Espania. As an Ordained Minister, Dr. Bonilla has created the Holy Humanity Faith, which states that nature is God, and therefore everything in the universe is holy. Hector is married, has two children, and considers himself a religious philosopher. He believes nature is a transformer system of three regions of space where two of the three space regions constantly transform into one another while the whole remains eternally the same. Mr. Bonilla has presented oral papers on his behalf at various scientific meetings sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Chappell Natural Philosophy Society, formerly the Natural Philosophy Alliance. He published his first printed paper on the Journal of New Energy, Salt Lake City, in 1996. He also writes fiction and alternative non-fiction.

Cell 1-575-652-7629